Fans stand up for Kate Middleton after she was criticized for looking “aged” while grieving her beloved grandma Queen.

Kate Middleton became a member of the royal family when she married Prince William. They were married in 2011 following a longer romance.

Although adjusting to adult life as a royal is a challenge in and of itself, the Princess of Wales has done an outstanding job of handling all of her duties.

One day, Kate Middleton will serve as the United Kingdom’s Queen consort. She naturally became close to the Queen throughout their relationship and much more so after she married Prince William.

According to rumors, the 40-year-old Kate Middleton learned from Queen Elizabeth how to behave herself in the royal world.

According to sources, Kate’s early nervousness caused her to frequently try to win the Queen’s favor, which caused their relationship to stall. But when Kate gained her senses in later years, her connection with the Queen changed, and the two of them built a friendship.

Their relationship changed significantly as a result of William and Kate’s relocation. The two of them moved to Kensington Palace, which is close to Buckingham Palace, from Anmer Hall, Norfolk.

The Princess of Wales was able to see the Queen more often as a result. She frequently went over for tea so the two of them could converse, but occasionally they would set up more official sessions when Queen Elizabeth would “provide serious one-on-one instruction about taking on the crown.”

A royal insider said in 2019 that the Queen had taken her daughter-in-law under her wing and frequently provided insightful counsel.

She has adopted Kate as one of her own. The two frequently talk for hours on royal life and the future of the monarchy, the insider said.

The public has witnessed Kate’s development over the past 10 years into an experienced royal who is performing her duties to the best of her ability. She consistently rises to the challenge, according to many who have observed her.

The Queen apparently placed more faith in William and Kate than in her own son and daughter-in-law, Queen consort Camilla, regarding their suitability as rulers. “The queen is certain that they cross all the boxes to reign,” an insider said.

When the Queen awarded Kate the “Royal Family Order,” which was reserved for blood relatives or longtime family servants, it was one of the signs that she had confidence in her.

“The Queen thinks extremely highly of Catherine as a trustworthy person. She has spent the last 10 years as a member of the royal family. Given all that has happened in the royal family over the past few years about the letdowns, I believe. Kate enjoys the Queen’s full confidence, a source said.

The Prince and Princess of Wales have three small children of their own. Additionally, they frequently struggle to combine motherhood with duty since they are royals.

However, based on how they include George, Charlotte, and Louis in some responsibilities while also ensuring that they attend school regularly and take part in activities that other children do, it appears that they are doing a good job with them.

Many people noticed that Kate Middleton remained in London as the rest of the family traveled to Scotland to tell the Queen farewell.

In order to pick up her children Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis after their first day of school, Kate Middleton remained in London.

Maybe the family was prepared for things to change, so they wanted Kate to be there with her kids in case word of the Queen’s passing reached them so she could console them.

She was at the Lambrook school, where her kids had attended class for the first time. In a statement, Kensington Palace explained the Duchess’ absence from Balmoral. “The Duchess of Cambridge has stayed in Windsor as Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are on their first full day at their new school,” the statement stated.

People were curious about the youngest of the brood’s reaction to the news as it first surfaced. In order to prevent the kids from finding out from another source, Kate reportedly notified them before it was made known to the public.

Before the formal announcement, she gently informed George, Charlotte, and Louis of Elizabeth’s passing at Windsor. To lessen the shock, she wanted them to hear the awful news directly from her, the insider claimed. The young royal couple prioritized their kids and saw to it that they were comforted when they received the news.

She consoled the kids by informing them that the Queen and Prince Philip were now back together in paradise. The insider claimed, “Kate said that Elizabeth and Prince Philip are in paradise. Naturally, there were many embraces and tears. The kids are upset.”

The Prince and Princess of Wales handled this challenging circumstance with grace and dignity, which would have impressed the Queen. Whether people think Kate is old or not, the Princess of Wales has an unquestionable character that has been put to the test and trusted by the Queen, and so far, she is living up to expectations, according to a close family source.

William and Kate get along really well; while one keeps things running, the other is capable of carrying out royal tasks. After two days of grief, William took a flight to Aberdeenshire for his royal responsibilities, while Kate stayed at home with the kids.

The new Prince of Wales expressed his emotions on his Instagram account a few days after the world learned of the Queen’s passing.

While the entire world was in mourning over the passing of the Queen, he said that his grandmother’s death was a more personal loss. He spoke of how lovely she had been to both his wife and children during the previous 20 years.

He declared he would now concentrate his efforts on helping his father, the King, in whatever manner he could.

The Prince and Princess of Wales asked Harry and Meghan to join them on their stroll outside Windsor Castle, which was another surprising gesture on their part.

The public perceived this action as a gesture of goodwill from the older brother toward the younger one. Hopefully, they are moving toward repairing their relationship.

And as was to be expected, images from the walkabout were widely reported. And one response to the images in particular was extremely surprising. The public commented on images of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales.

During the walkabout, Kate Middleton showcased a new darker hair color while wearing an elegant black dress and little jewelry. Pictures of the former Duchess were published by an American journal named “Hollywood Life,” and the publication received some sarcastic feedback.

The Princess of Wales was described as looking “old” and “sad” by observers. She appears to have aged much, and according to one observer, she “always looks depressed.” I’m not sure why, but I feel terrible for her.

She seems incredibly old, like 60, said another commenter. What is happening?

Naturally, among the criticism were those sane voices who emphasized how unjust it was to make such remarks about the Princess’ looks.

She has a lot on her shoulders with responsibility and parenting, one of them wrote. Then there was the Queen’s funeral. She’s exhausted, and I know royal life isn’t for the weak-willed.

While one supporter argued in her favor, stating, “First, darlings, the lighting is awful. She is not old, either. Third, she looks fantastic for her age. Four, she has never undergone plastic surgery. Ageing is pleasant, but it’s not for the weak. Lol.”

The Princess of Wales undoubtedly has a busy life. She and her husband lost their previous titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in a matter of days and were instead given the titles of Prince and Princess of Wales.

As they prepare for the royal time of mourning, the Queen’s funeral, and maybe a lot of other things that are not yet known to the public, they have had to rearrange their calendars.

It’s encouraging to see that some people are still willing to protect Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, and urge others not to pile further burdens on her.

What do you think of remarks that Kate Middleton appears to be getting older? Tell us in the comments section below!


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