Even if he fulfills all your whims, be very careful how much you ask of him. Don’t take advantage of his love for you to satisfy your whims!

He loves you, he proved it to you not only through words. You are aware of this. He would do anything to see you happy, he would also give you the moon in the sky if he knew that it makes you smile even for a second. He would make any sacrifice for your sake. My question is how much are you willing to let him do? How far do you go with the requirements? How important are his sacrifices to you and how important are the material things he gives you?


Be very careful not to fall into the trap of the pampered girl, be very careful not to end up staying with him for the things he offers you. If your relationship is based on the principle “I ask my lover, that he never refuses me”, your relationship is not one of love, but a sponsor-sponsored one. Is that how you want it to work?


You certainly enjoy every gift you receive from him. But do you appreciate his gestures? You love him? Or are you just asking … because you can? Such a relationship only makes you happy the moment you receive your “payment” (that’s the truth, he pays you for your company), but it will never make you happy. You will never feel peace, love, you will never know how happiness feels in such a relationship. If you have been a follower of a similar practice so far, I want to let you know that it is possible otherwise, it is possible to fall in love and love. You just have to let yourself go. I say try, you have nothing to lose …


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