Elders regret what they did NOT do in life, not what they did.” Here are 37 regrets:

Have you ever thought, when you were lazy in your chair and watching boring TV shows, that you might regret being lazy and not enjoying your youth enough?

Of course, we do not encourage your depressing introspections, but we want to remind you of some of the things you need to do… as much as you can.

Read the ones below and then take a stand. In this life we ​​must try everything, we must not have regrets for something we did not do.

1. I did not travel when I had the opportunity. Traveling is the most beautiful experience.

Rinse as much as possible, visit and learn about new people and things. Do it now when you are young. You will have a family later and it will be more difficult.

2. I did not learn a foreign language. The more foreign languages ​​you know, the better.

There is no excuse for not speaking at least two foreign languages.

3. I was in a toxic relationship. Don’t wait for time to pass if a relationship hurts. Get out of that relationship as quickly as possible.

4. I didn’t protect myself from the sun. Wrinkles, pimples, blemishes on the face, skin cancer can all be prevented by sun protection. Take care of yourself.

5. I missed the opportunity to go to the concerts of my favorite artists. Next time you hear that your favorite band is coming to you in the city or near you, go to the concert.

6. I was too scared to do many things. Fear limits us.

7. I didn’t make sports a priority.

At 50, 60 you will have wished you had done more sports for both health and appearance.

8. I let the genre limit me.

9. I didn’t give up a job I hated. Yes, we need to have a job, but we need to find a job that we like and that helps us pay our bills. May!

10. I didn’t bother at school. Education is the most beautiful business card. Your knowledge represents you. Remember this.

11. I didn’t consider myself beautiful. What is the point of spending time thinking negatively about ourselves? We are as we are and we must love and appreciate ourselves for who we are.

12. I was afraid to say “I love you”. What do you lose by telling someone how you feel with all sincerity. Show your loved ones that you love them.

13. I did not follow my parents’ advice. Parents know what I’m saying when they tell you. Even if at the moment you disapprove of them, sooner or later you will reach their words and you will want to have listened to them.

14. I spent my youth in isolation. It’s a shame!

15. I cared too much about the opinions of others. You and only you know what’s best for you. In 20 years, X’s opinion will be completely insignificant.

16. I supported the dreams of others instead of my own. You should never put others on top of you.

17. I wasted my time. Time is precious. Don’t waste it. Spend time as efficiently and as well as possible. Allow yourself to be happy.

18. I resented even my loved ones. Any negative feeling we feel hurts us first and foremost.

19. I didn’t fight enough for myself.

No one will fight for you, you alone must do this.

20. I didn’t volunteer enough. You have a chance to make this world better. Get involved too.

21. I neglected the health of my teeth. Always take care of oral hygiene. It is easy to take care of your teeth and much more difficult and expensive to repair later.

22. I missed the chance to ask my grandmother many things to which she could have given me an answer. Grandparents are a source of wisdom. They lived a long time and learned their lessons. Learn from them too.

23. I worked too hard. Work is important but more important is spending time with your family and friends.

24. I never knew how to cook. Cooking is creative, it is relaxing, it does not deny you such pleasure.

25. I did not give myself time to enjoy the important moments. Don’t run away, appreciate what is around you. Take pictures.

26. I didn’t finish what I started.

He leaves no plans and dreams unfulfilled.

27. I could never enjoy parties. The parties are great! Wouldn’t it be a shame to waste them?

28. I was defined by cultural expectations. We are all unique. It does not define our gender or culture.

All this is a limit of our maximum potential.

29. I did not let a friendship continue. Even if time passes and we change, a true friendship will remain for life.

30. I haven’t played enough with my children. Kids don’t know about all your problems and they don’t have to. They are your children, give them time and make them happy.

31. I never took the risk in love. Don’t be afraid to love. If you truly love, go to the white canvases to fulfill your love.

32. I didn’t know much. Networking is one of the most important things in life because it opens many doors. Invest in networking.

33. I was too worried. What’s the point ?!

34. I was overwhelmed by the drama. We do the drama ourselves and it’s toxic.

35. I didn’t spend enough time with my loved ones. Nothing is more important than time with those we love.

36. I couldn’t stand in front of a crowd. It is a very pleasant experience to know that you have all eyes on you. You must try.

37. I was not grateful enough. Life is full of good and bad. It is very important to be grateful for everything we have good in life because only goodwill remains.


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