Dr. Hilary Jones, a familiar face on television, has shared some crucial tips for maintaining a healthy heart. He particularly emphasized the importance of avoiding a common habit that could dramatically increase the risk of a heart attack.

According to Dr. Jones, safeguarding our heart health largely revolves around shedding those extra pounds and steering clear of one particular detrimental habit. He advised: “Don’t overburden your heart by being overweight, and ensure to exercise regularly – the heart functions as a muscle and relishes a bit of activity.”
He also cautioned against the dangers of ‘clogging up your heart’ with excessive cholesterol intake.
A Key Reminder: Quit Smoking
Dr. Jones gave a stark reminder about the harmful effects of smoking, warning that “your heart detests smoking.”

Quitting smoking not only improves physical well-being by reducing the risk of smoking-related illnesses such as cancers, lung disease, heart issues, and strokes, but it can also enhance mental health.
In a video, Dr. Jones discusses the significance of prioritizing ‘relaxation’ for heart health, highlighting the need for scheduled downtimes to escape the stresses of daily life.
He stated: “Life often feels stressful, doesn’t it? It’s constant, relentless, and tiring – but too much stress isn’t good for our heart.”

He advises his followers to mimic his habit of setting aside time “just for yourself” in your schedule, encouraging them to relax and unwind. “Your heart will thank you for it,” he noted.
In another message, Dr. Jones pointed out that ‘millions’ of people currently have high blood pressure without even realizing it.
While demonstrating how to use a blood pressure monitor, he urged: “They’re at risk of experiencing something they truly wish to avoid, like a stroke or heart attack, so it’s wise to get your blood pressure checked sooner rather than later.”