Do You Overdo It? Surprising Signs You’re Too Clean

Well, howdy there! Mary here, your friendly neighborhood grandma, ready to drop some good ol’ fashioned wisdom on you. Now, I know you’re thinking, “Too clean? That’s preposterous!” But stick around, and by the end, you might just find yourself questioning those daily scrubbings and sanitizations. I dare you to read till the end—if you’re brave enough!

Still with me? Good. Grab a cup of joe, sit back, and let’s take a humorous yet insightful dive into the world of cleanliness. Trust me, you might just chuckle and think, “Well, I’ll be darned!”

Sign #1: Your Skin Feels Like the Sahara Desert

Remember when your skin was as smooth as a baby’s bottom? If those days are long gone and now you’re dealing with skin drier than a tumbleweed, you might be overdoing it with the soap and water.

It’s tempting to scrub ourselves raw in the name of cleanliness, especially with all these new-fangled antibacterial soaps and whatnot. But too much washing can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it feeling tight, dry, and about as flexible as a rusty gate. So, before you reach for that loofah for the third time today, think about giving your skin a little break.

Sign #2: You Smell Like a Perfumery

Now, don’t get me wrong—I love a good fragrance as much as the next gal. But if you’re layering on deodorant, body spray, perfume, and who knows what else just to feel “clean,” you might be masking more than just body odor.

Believe it or not, our bodies have a natural scent that’s not supposed to smell like a field of daisies 24/7. Overdoing it with all those smell-good products can actually irritate your skin and lead to more sweat. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Enough already!” So, maybe ease up on the spritzing and let your natural charm shine through.

Sign #3: You’re Constantly Battling Allergies and Infections

Do you find yourself popping antihistamines like candy and visiting the doctor more often than you’d like? Well, it might be because you’re too clean.

I know, it sounds backward. But hear me out. Over-sanitizing your environment can actually weaken your immune system. Our bodies need a bit of dirt and germs to stay strong and healthy. It’s like giving your immune system a little workout. So, maybe let a few of those germs stick around and give your body a fighting chance.

Sign #4: Your Hair Is Limp and Lifeless

We’ve all been there—washing our hair every day because, well, it feels greasy and dirty otherwise. But if your hair has lost its bounce and feels more like a wet mop than a crowning glory, you might be over-washing.

Your scalp produces natural oils that keep your hair healthy and shiny. Washing too often strips these oils away, leaving your hair looking flat and lifeless. So, how about skipping a wash or two and giving your hair a chance to recover? You might be surprised at the results.

Sign #5: You’ve Got an Arsenal of Cleaning Supplies

Is your bathroom cabinet starting to look like a cleaning supply store? If you’ve got a product for every inch of your body and then some, it might be time to scale back.

Using too many products can irritate your skin, dry out your hair, and make you smell like a chemical factory. Sometimes, less is more. Stick to the basics—a good soap, shampoo, and maybe a nice moisturizer. Your body will thank you, and you’ll save a few bucks to boot.

So, What’s the Solution?

Glad you asked! The solution is simple: moderation.

Instead of scrubbing yourself silly, try a more balanced approach to cleanliness. Wash your hands when they’re dirty, take a shower when you’re sweaty, and maybe let your hair go a day or two between washes. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you feel clean without overdoing it.

A Final Word from Mary

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Mary, this is all well and good, but I’ve been doing it this way for 60 years and I’m not about to change now.” And to that, I say: You do you, honey.

But if you’ve found yourself nodding along, chuckling, and maybe even considering making a change, then I’ve done my job. At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what works best for you. And if that means easing up on the cleanliness routine, well, I say go for it.

So here’s to a balanced life—clean enough to stay healthy, but not so clean that we lose our natural charm.

Stay blessed, stay beautiful, and remember: sometimes, less is more.

Until next time,



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