Dad Makes Daughter Walk 5 Miles To School After Hearing What She Did To Another Student

We are sure not every parent would readily agree with us if we decide to name Matt Cox as our parent of the year. What he did isn’t something many parents would be willing to do or support another parent to do as well.

But at the same time, any parent who has had a child bullied in the past and had the issue brushed aside by the parent of the erring child as inconsequential would almost certainly hail Matt for his decision.

Making your child walk 5 miles to school isn’t what most parents would consider cool parenting, but his action was meant to serve as a reminder to his daughter and possibly as an inspiration to other parents on the importance of making sure your kids turn into a nice person.

Call him too strict, but technically Matt wasn’t the one who meted out the punishment for his daughter. She had returned home from school one day and asked her father if he could lift her to school in the following couple of days. When asked why.

Matt was shocked to find out that his daughter had been kicked off the school bus by the bus driver for picking on another student on the bus.

Now agreeing to let her ride with him to her school every day might seem like cool parenting to some, but to Matt, it would be supporting her behavior as a bully something he wasn’t ready to condone under his roof.

Bullying is unacceptable behavior, and he had to make sure she understood it. So, instead of driving her to school, he made her walk. However, he followed her with his car, making sure she gets to school safely.

He also uploaded the video on his Facebook page with a message to parents:

“I know a lot of you parents are not going to agree with this and that’s all right. I am doing what I think is right to teach my daughter a lesson to stop her from bullying…

Lesson learned. Still has all her extremities intact is happy and healthy and seems to have a new outlook on bullying as well as a new appreciation for some of the simple things in life she used to take for granted.”

Matt told ABC news later on that even though his decision was a tough one and he knew many parents would not agree with his parenting style, he loves his daughter and doesn’t want her to be part of the problem.

If what it would make his young daughter learn to be a kind young lady is facing the consequence of being banned from the bus for bullying then so be it. “Parents need to hold their kids accountable. So that was me showing how I hold my kid accountable.

I’m not going to be another parent that’s just going to brush things under the rug and say, ‘Kids will be kids. ’” he said.

If you think about it, you will probably agree with Matt on this at the end of the day. And we are almost certain this will work too. The next time the Young lady thinks about picking on anyone, she will remember her long walk to school, and that should be enough to change her mind.


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