Dad Beat 20-Year-Old Man He Found In Daughter’s Bedroom, Police Charge Him Instead

Dad Beat 20-Year-Old Man He Found In Daughter’s Room, Faces Charges

When a Georgia father discovered a 20-year-old man in his daughter’s bedroom, he brutally beat the intruder, knocking out several of his teeth. However, despite protecting his daughter and his home, the man discovered that he would be facing charges for “crossing the line.”

As the father of a teen daughter, Ismael Casillas felt a deep need to protect his little girl at all costs. Unfortunately, this protective instinct might lead to him ending up behind bars for defending his family and home.

According to WAGA-TV, the 41-year-old Coweta County man had never met 20-year-old Keywontrezes Humphries until he caught him in his teen daughter’s bedroom. Early in the morning, Casillas walked into his 14-year-old daughter’s room and was shocked to find Humphries with his child. Understandably, his fatherly instincts kicked in immediately.

Unaware that the man was “involved” with his underage daughter, Casillas attacked Humphries, choking and beating him severely. The enraged father even knocked out and chipped several of Humphries’ teeth before the intruder managed to break free and flee.

During the struggle, Casillas called for his wife, Kristy, to fetch his firearm. This was the moment when the 20-year-old jumped out of a nearby window in a bid to escape. Determined not to let him get away, Casillas chased Humphries into the front yard, continuing to beat him and threatening to kill him. After getting the gun from his wife, he fired several shots as the young man fled for his life.

Although the police understood the anger Casillas felt, they stated he went too far, as reported by the Daily Mail. Investigator Scott Kilgore explained that the dad “crossed a line” when he fired at Humphries after he had already ceased to be a threat.

“There is a line that he can’t cross, we can’t cross, when somebody is no longer a threat to you,” said investigator Scott Kilgore. “My advice would be to let it go and contact us and let us handle it. Don’t take it into your own hands.”

Casillas was charged with aggravated assault and now faces possible jail time for his actions. According to Georgia law, homeowners can use force to protect themselves and their families from intruders as long as there is an immediate threat. Since Humphries was running away when Casillas shot at him, the authorities believe this force was unnecessary.

Keywontrezes Humphries was later apprehended. He was charged with child molestation for being in a sexual relationship with a minor.

Meanwhile, Casillas’ wife, Kristy, started a GoFundMe account to collect donations for her husband’s legal fees. She explained in the campaign that they found out their daughter met Humphries while playing Xbox online. After developing a relationship, the man drove two hours to their home to engage in acts with their daughter.

“She is not innocent either but he was 20 and she was 14. She is not mature enough to understand what she did,” the mother wrote. “My husband did what anyone else would have done. We had no idea who this man was or why he was in our home until he sped off down the driveway and we spoke to our daughter. Then they arrest my husband for standing his ground and protecting his family.”

Kristy argued that her husband’s actions were justified because they didn’t know whether Humphries had broken into their home with the intent to harm their daughter. It wasn’t until they talked to their child afterward that they discovered she was in a relationship with him.

Unless you find yourself in a similar situation, it’s hard to say what you would or wouldn’t do. Nonetheless, it’s likely that most parents wouldn’t blame the angry father for acting the way he did when faced with an adult intruder in his daughter’s room.


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