Cooper – A Unique and Loving Dog

Cooper, an American foxhound, is a truly exceptional pup. He is one of the few dogs in the world living with short spine syndrome. This genetic condition compresses and sometimes fuses the vertebrae, and is believed to be caused by inbreeding.

A Rough Start, But a Loving Family

In 2017, when he was just 2 months old, Cooper was found abandoned near Halifax, Virginia. Thankfully, animal control picked him up and placed him in the care of Secondhand Hounds, a shelter in Minnesota. Elly and Andy Keegan, kind-hearted individuals, agreed to foster Cooper despite his mobility challenges.

Upon arriving at the Keegan’s home, Cooper faced many obstacles. He even fractured his neck in several places, but his indomitable spirit remained unbroken. Despite a bone infection and a surgery to assist with bathroom needs, Cooper’s perseverance never wavered.

A Forever Home Found

After being cared for by the Keegans for six months, it was time for Cooper to find his forever family. Elly was convinced that this “happiest dog” would have numerous applicants. However, to their surprise, no one was interested in adopting him.

Finally, an applicant emerged, bringing immense relief to the Keegans. They couldn’t bear the thought of just giving Cooper away. So, they made the decision to adopt him themselves.

Living Life to the Fullest

While Cooper faced challenges at the beginning and still encounters some difficulties, he lives his life to the fullest, teaching his new family to do the same. According to Elly, there was an instant connection with Cooper, and he became a part of the family right from the start.

“Many dogs with conditions like Cooper’s are needlessly put down,” Elly mentioned. “It breaks my heart to think about it. They have so much life left to live. Cooper is a shining example of this. He leads a happy and normal life, and he is an integral part of our family.”

Follow Cooper’s Adventures

If you want to keep up with Cooper’s incredible adventures, check out his Facebook page. And if you find yourself falling in love with this sweet pooch who is “short on spine, big on love,” be sure to share this article with your friends.


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