California Swelters in Record-Breaking Temperatures as Heat Wave Continues

Large parts of California are under excessive heat warnings and advisories to start the week as temperatures across the state have broken the 100-degree mark. This is no ordinary summer; it’s a sizzling, sweltering oven out there!

Who’s feeling the heat more than anyone? Palm Springs! It saw its all-time high broken Friday when the mercury hit a staggering 124 degrees. Yes, you read that right—124 degrees! Meanwhile, Fresno isn’t far behind, with forecasts expecting it to reach a high of 116 degrees on Sunday. Can you imagine trying to find the remote under those conditions?

But not all hope is lost! Some relief is on the way for coastal areas. According to AccuWeather Meteorologist Elizabeth Danco, the heat dome that has settled over the west is finally packing its bags and moving east. “Temperatures in cities near the Pacific coast, including San Francisco and Oakland, California, are expected to dip to near historical averages for July,” Danco said on the forecaster’s website. Coastal dwellers, rejoice! Maybe you can finally go outside without feeling like you’re stepping into a sauna.

Let’s take a closer look at the three-day forecast for cities in California, starting with the heat wave hot spots:

Palm Springs Heat Wave Forecast


Expect another scorcher! Temperatures again climbing near those record-breaking highs.


Still hot, but a slight cooldown might be in the air.


Keep those fans running, it’s not over yet!

Sacramento Heat Wave Forecast


Moderately high temperatures, but nowhere near the extremes of Palm Springs. One might actually be able to breathe!


Another day of high heat, time to perfect that chilled lemonade recipe.


Possibly the hottest day of the week, brace yourselves.

Fresno Heat Wave Forecast


Forecasted to hit an intense 116 degrees. Please tell us everyone has air conditioning!


A marginal decrease but still quite oppressive.


Expect the heat to stay intense, perfect time to go through that stack of unread books indoors.

Bakersfield Heat Wave Forecast


Like an oven set on high, Bakersfield will be sweltering this Sunday.


The heat continues, not a day for vigorous outdoor activities.


Expect similar temperatures to the previous days, stay cool and hydrated.

Disneyland Heat Wave Forecast


Not even Mickey is immune to the heat wave! Very high temperatures could make those park lines feel even longer.


Continued heat, don’t forget to wear sunscreen if you dare to venture out.


Still hot, but an ice cream might just save the day.

Heat Index Map

Los Angeles Forecast


High temperatures persist, making The Hills more like The Ovens.


More of the same, it’s a desert out there!


The trend continues, stay indoors if possible.

San Diego Forecast


Warm but more moderate—if you can call 90s moderate.


Similar conditions, no dramatic changes but still quite warm.


Perhaps a slight drop in temperature, but not by much.

San Francisco Forecast


Nowhere near the brutal highs of the inland cities, but still notably warm for the Bay Area.


Continued warm temperatures but the coastal breeze offers some respite.


Expect the usual charming weather to return, relatively cool in comparison.

So there you have it, folks! Tips to beat this intense heat? Stay indoors, hydrate, and perhaps take a virtual trip to cooler climes while this record-breaking heat wave makes its way through California. And remember, this too shall pass. Until then, may your air conditioners be ever powerful!


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