By neglecting the one who would neglect anything for you, you may later be neglected by the one you have decided to take into account.

The principle of action and reaction (“as long as one body acts on a body with a certain force, and the second body acts on the first with the same force”) does not apply only when we want to solve problems in physics. The laws God has left for us are pretty clear … do good to those around you and He will reward you, do harm to those around you and He will punish you … that’s kind of what the above principle says, only that something differs: in everyday life things do not happen immediately, but the world unfolds at its own pace.


Feelings, relationships, making the right decisions are the most difficult things we have to deal with. All this cannot be explained by another human being, but we have to learn on our own … and sometimes it hurts … sometimes we cause pain. We fall in love with people who do not appreciate us and do not care about those who would do anything to please us. Even if we cannot command the heart to love X or Y, we must take great care of others, because rejection can affect them more than we would have expected.


Even if it seems incredible, there is for each of us that special someone who can’t wait to bear us when all our ships will drown, who will take us in his arms and assure us that everything will be fine, because he will be there and he will make sure of this … and there is also someone for whom we would do anything, with whom we would stand no matter how difficult the situation … but who is not willing to accept our help.


It will be hard for us and we will suffer if we are rejected by the one we want next to us …. Especially if that rejection is totally tactless. If you are experiencing such an experience, try to remember the past a little … and see if you have done it in a similar way. If the answer is “yes”, apologize to the person you wronged, accept your punishment and move on. Nothing we do goes unnoticed, but we can correct a little of the harm we’ve done … and maybe we’ll learn something and next time we react better.


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