Be careful what you think
I don’t think I’m the only one who has suffered countless times in one second to pay attention to something, and in the next second my thoughts are directed to a completely different topic. You will not always be able to control perfectly what you have in mind, but you can try. Although difficult, you can control your own thoughts.
There will definitely be opportunities for people around you to disappoint you … and some of them will take advantage of them. This happens when we rely on people and not on God just to teach us that He is the only one who will never abandon us. We will also have something to learn from each experience.
What we think in those situations will come out of our mouths. Why? Because that’s what we’re actually hiding in ourselves. Just to warn us that things inside us are not exactly pink. To make us aware that we have to work especially on ourselves. What to do in those moments? Let us choose consciously and want to forgive every evil that has happened to us.
“Is God proud of me for how I think? How am I doing now? For what I say? β. If in doubt, ask yourself these questions in the unpleasant situations you will go through. And if you have the slightest doubt that the answer would be “yes”, then work to change this. And remember! Nothing is impossible because God is infinite in His goodness and will certainly help you draw closer to Him.