At only 19 years old, this kid weighed 340 lb but ten years later he is unrecognizable – you won’t believe how he looks like now

So many stereotypes nowadays make people think twice before leaving the house. It’s sad that people judge by the cover and don’t wait to get to know someone.

The soul, mindset, and personality are aspects that really matter, that make the difference and that should be learned in schools, don’t you think? Fortunately, if an individual has enough will, ambition, and perseverance he can do anything nowadays, nothing is impossible! The sky is not the limit!

Sam Rouen, a 19 years old teenager was used to verbal abuse and people pointing fingers at him because of his weight, which at that time in 2008 was 154 kilograms.

He signed up to participate in a popular TV Show named “The Biggest Loser”, which has the purpose to make the participants lose as much weight as they can during the competition so they can win the big prize which is cash.

Guess what? Sam won the competition, losing a bit over 70 kilograms. But something changed during that competition. He changed forever. He didn’t just leave with the money, but also with the will and devotion to become his best version.

He had a clear vision and he could see himself at the top. With the right people around he knew that he will reach his goal. Sam fell in love with the sport.

Ten years of perseverance and hard work lead him to a totally different life. He became a fireman and model in his free time, posing for many companies, he has a beautiful girlfriend and he is in constant competition with himself, overcoming every obstacle and making every problem a possibility to improve.

Sam posted a “before and after” picture on his social media account and his story became viral shortly. People were amazed to see what true devotion means and how far in life can this attitude get an individual.

Everything can change, you just need enough determination and vision to see yourself there and most importantly, enjoy the journey because it’s easy to see yourself on top of the mountain.

Sam Rouen’s story impressed millions and he motivated many people stuck in similar situations, showing them that any dream is accomplishable. Let’s share his amazing story and motivate more people to start doing it! Chase your dreams! Everything is achievable!


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