Amanda: A Champion for Inclusion

If you ever find yourself losing hope in humanity, let me assure you that there are still people out there like Amanda who shine a little brighter and love a little stronger, restoring what we think is lost. Amanda is not just a businesswoman and respected member of her community; she is also a mother to a very special child with Down Syndrome.

This means she understands firsthand how individuals who are often seen as “different” can be treated by the rest of the world. She knows the stares and how they can chip away at someone’s self-esteem, including her own child. That’s why Amanda is fiercely protective and wants everyone to know that these individuals belong with us and that their unique qualities make them special.

Recently, Amanda learned of an incident at her restaurant where one of her employees with autism was mistreated by a rude customer. She couldn’t just let it slide; she had to take matters into her own hands. You see, many of the people who work at Amanda’s restaurant have disabilities. She intentionally hires them because she understands that they may require more time to master tasks compared to others. These individuals learn at their own pace, but once they’ve acquired the skills, they become unstoppable.

Amanda has a wonderful way of running her business – she assigns specific tasks to different individuals so that everyone can focus on their own responsibilities. In this particular incident, the customer asked the employee to refill a bowl with lettuce, not realizing that it wasn’t a task he was trained for. After the manager explained this to the customer, along with their unique approach to giving everyone a chance to shine, the customer became even more frustrated. In the midst of all this, Amanda had a brilliant idea that would help not only her employees but also send a powerful message.

Amanda decided to put up a sign at the door of her restaurant. But this sign wasn’t meant to apologize or make excuses. Instead, it proudly proclaimed, “WE ARE PROUD TO BE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND HIRE ALL OF GOD’S CHILDREN.”

Amanda explained that the sign was her way of expressing appreciation for her employees’ hard work over the years and, more importantly, protecting their emotional and mental well-being. She said, “These are like my kids, and it made me angry. I wanted to do something that was not rude but got my point across.”

As for the rude customer who made those comments, Amanda isn’t worried about losing his business. She firmly believes that if he can’t accept and respect her employees, then she doesn’t need his money. She has chosen to prioritize the happiness and dignity of her team over a few dollars. That’s the kind of person Amanda is.

If you find Amanda’s story as heartwarming as I do and admire how she stood up for her employees, I encourage you to share her story with your family and friends. We need more people like Amanda in this world, spreading love and inclusivity. Let’s support businesses that prioritize kindness and equality for all.


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