Age of Priscilla Presley: How old was Elvis Presley when he met Priscilla?

When Priscilla Presley met Elvis Presley, who was in the Army and residing in Germany, she was a teenager – but how much older was he than her?

Priscilla Presley rose to prominence as Elvis Presley’s wife and the mother of his only child, Lisa Marie. But when she met The King, she was young and lived in Germany with her family while the singer was in the Army. There was an age difference between them, but how big was it?

When Priscilla and Elvis met, she was 14, and The King was 24.

This means they are ten years apart in age, yet due to their birth dates, it is more like ten years and four months.

Elvis and Priscilla met in Germany, where Elvis was stationed, and Priscilla was residing.

Priscilla Beaulieus’s stepfather was in the Air Force then, and she spent her youth traveling and staying at bases worldwide.

Germany was one of these bases, and while she was hesitant to go there at first, The King’s arrival changed her mind.

Elvis had only been in the service for a short time, having been obliged to take a leave of absence following the death of his mother, Gladys.

Elvis eventually returned to Germany with the US Army, where they were introduced at a party by another officer, according to Priscilla.

According to a 1985 People magazine article, Priscilla was introduced to Elvis by another officer, but the 14-year-old was quite shy about meeting her idol.

“As [Officer] Currie escorted me over to him, Elvis stood up and smiled,” Priscilla told People magazine in 1985, describing the moment she met Elvis. ‘Well, what have we here?’ he asked. ‘Are you in your junior or senior year of high school?’

“I blushed and remained silent, unwilling to confess that I was only in ninth grade. ‘How about that?’ he persisted.

“‘Ninth.’ Elvis appeared perplexed. ‘Ninth what?’ ‘Grade,’ I said quietly.

“‘Ninth grade,’ he exclaimed, laughing. ‘Why you’re just a baby,’ she says.

Priscilla recounts how desperately he attempted to court her in those early days, even though he was a celebrity and much older than her, which she noted was partly owing to her attempting not to show her excitement.

“I saw Elvis attempting to attract my attention,” she explained. I observed that the less I responded, the more he started singing only for me.

“I couldn’t believe Elvis Presley was attempting to impress me…

“The [second] visit was similar to the first, but he approached me on the third time when Elvis had completed performing.

“‘Priscilla, I want to be alone with you. Will you come to my room upstairs?’

“He was caressing my hair as he spoke. ‘I pledge I’ll never hurt you in any way.’

“He sounded completely genuine. ‘I’ll treat you like a sister,’ she says.

She claimed they hugged and chatted about how much he missed his mother, following which she received her “first real kiss” from him, but nothing else happened.

Eventually, he moved her to Graceland to live with him, though she lived elsewhere at first until they married in 1967 when Priscilla was 23 and Elvis was 33.

A year later, they had their only child, Lisa Marie, and divorced in 1973, when Priscilla was still in her twenties.

Priscilla will be 78 years old on May 24, 2023.


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