A tiny cat discovered in a dumpster is as rare as a unicorn.

We see far too many cases of animals being abandoned. Tragically, some owners are so callous that they would simply abandon an animal rather than caring for it and give it a decent life.

A woman was walking past a dumpster when she noticed unusual noises. She took her time coming to a halt, and that’s when she realized the sound was meowing. When she looked inside, she discovered a little kitten.

Unfortunately, the small one had a damaged front paw and gangrene in its back paw. The woman decided to bring along the kitten, whom she named Martyr.

She had previously fostered animals and thought Martyr was quite fortunate to get up in her care. But she didn’t realize at the time that the cat was one of a kind.

Martyr lost his back paw, but physicians were able to help the other one recuperate.

Because Martyr was a calico cat with a tri-color coat that was normally 25% to 75% white with huge orange and black patches, everyone assumed he was female, as do most calico cats. Martyr, on the other hand, was an exception. Being a male calico is one in 3000 chances.

This is because cats have an X chromosome, which helps them display orange and black fur.

Female cats with two X chromosomes develop the colors associated with calico cats.

For a male cat to turn out calico, it must carry two X and Y chromosomes.

This is why Martyr is so special.

This beautiful animal became an internet sensation once his new owner’s niece shared his story and photos online.

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