A barber shaved his head in support of a cancer patient who broke down in tears.

In addition to physical pain, fighting cancer entails a constant emotional struggle, including the agony of not knowing what lies ahead, which will affect the patient somehow. Cancer patients should always have someone to provide emotional support throughout their treatment.

Of course, some people prefer to fight their battles alone, and that’s fine. Perhaps that person does not want to burden their loved ones, or perhaps they are attempting to avoid making the people close to them absorb the pain they are experiencing on the inside.

However, there is nothing wrong with seeking assistance because family and friends will always have compassion for the people they love no matter what happens – especially when they are most needed. Yes, this includes people fighting cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Some cancer patients are forced to shave their heads due to treatments such as chemotherapy. Some people report that their scalps become itchy or irritated during treatments, which can cause their hair to fall out. Some cancer patients choose to shave their heads to alleviate the itch. Others choose to shave their heads to avoid the shedding of hair.

Danillo Mendonça made his friend Nbia de Paula, who has cancer but is in remission, feel like she had a friend she could count on in a video posted in January 2023 after he decided to make an emotional move. The video was shot one year earlier, at the start of 2022, according to the post.

Barbearia from Bravo shared the video, which has since gone viral. It depicts de Paula at the salon as Mendonça shaves her hair. De Paula was moved to tears by the barber’s kind gesture.

Mendonça surprised de Paula by abruptly cutting off his hair after shaving the woman’s hair. De Paula tried to stop Mendonça at one point, but he wrapped his arms around her and went to shave his hair anyway.

One viewer expressed how she could relate to the video because she is a cancer patient.

“As a cancer patient, you frequently feel isolated and alone. It’s a lonely period. “Anything friends and family can do to make you feel less lonely is greatly appreciated,” the user wrote.

While some Reddit users expressed how emotional the video made them, others began sharing their experiences of being there for cancer-stricken family members. One father, for example, made light of the situation by recounting a hilarious encounter with his daughter when she announced her intention to shave her head.

“During my 10-year-old daughter’s stem cell transplant, her beautiful long hair fell out due to the chemo. I told her I was going to shave my head just like her and she looked at me and said, ‘No, Daddy, you are already ugly. Don’t make it worse,'” the father said.

However, the same person stated that he couldn’t be more proud of his cancer survivor daughter for her accomplishment 13 years later.

“As a follow-up, thank you for all of the love. She is now healthy and thriving after a difficult unmatched transplant and years of GVHD! She is 23 years old and in her final year of nursing school to become a pediatric oncology nurse, and I couldn’t be prouder of her!” The father revealed himself.

What can you say about the barber’s decision to cut his hair to support his friend? Did his actions as a good friend move you? Let us know what you think, and please forward this to any family or friends who might be interested in this story.


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