I was asleep, peacefully dreaming, when an odd sensation woke me up. It felt like something was tickling my face. Sleepily, I reached out and my fingers brushed against something soft. Much to my dismay, I discovered that I had woken up to find my hair had been cut.

My pillow was a mess, with uneven clumps of hair scattered everywhere. It was a shocking and bewildering sight.
Feeling both scared and utterly confused, I rushed to the bathroom. As I caught sight of myself in the mirror, my heart sank. The reality of the situation was much worse than I had imagined – my once beautifully groomed hair had been hacked unevenly.
Overcome with emotion, I crumpled to the floor of the bathroom, tears spilling over as I tried to gather my composure. After a few moments, I managed to pull myself together enough to get up.
I headed straight for the kitchen, where my husband Caleb sat, calmly sipping his morning coffee.
“Caleb, look at me. Did you do this?” I asked, my voice shaky and my cheeks still wet with tears.
He looked up at me, seemingly calm and slightly puzzled. “No, honey,” he replied gently. “Why would I cut your hair?” His calm demeanor only added to my confusion. “It had to be Oliver. You know how kids can do strange things at times.”