A love regretted too late is a love lost too soon!

I’m writing this song with tears of blood
The past is behind us, but the heart is still crying
Feelings buried in mud and tar
Now, years later, I’m coming out again

And I struggle with emotion to overcome feeling
Buried long ago shaking my present
What a black and white tattoo on my soul
Clogging up vivid colors found in the previous one

And tears erase the colors of poetry
It slowly turns them into a clearing
How slowly childhood will disappear
Long forgotten, as well as joy

But it is as if a figure appears in the distance
A robe of blood from a story
With long hair that has changed color
When the pure soul was flooded with denial

I know what I had, but I won’t have it again
The beautiful moments I stare blankly out the window
I miss the nights I talked
And you were the reason I rhymed

You’re still a muse, a source of inspiration
It’s not the girls who were just having fun
It is an abstraction of verses that come from love
That I feel her grow and come over me

Now I leave it to myself that it’s too late
The soul is dead, but the body is still alive
The city is in the night the lights are off
The pictures of us are still on

They light up late in the dark
Anything he can say is the best generic
Of the life we ​​could live
But come to bed, it’s too late!

These lyrics are written by an acquaintance of mine and I liked them so much that I wanted to share them with you. (I adapted them a little, with his consent.)
They are recorded and put on an instrumental. Find the track below.


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