6 signs he wants to live with you till you age

So, you’re wondering if that special someone is in it for the long haul? Well, buckle up, because here are six telltale signs he’s planning to stick around until you both are grey and reminiscing about the good ol’ days.

1) He pays attention to what’s important to you

Who’s tuned in to your life more than your favorite TV show? If he genuinely wants to be with you, he’ll dive deep into your world, no snorkel needed. We’re talking about learning about your career, interests, and passions—like, who else goes with you to that obscure art gallery or listens to your endless musings about knitting? Definitely a keeper!

But hold the applause:

If he’s fixated on just your looks, job title, or how quickly he can sweep you into bed—yikes! He might not be investing in the long haul.

On the flip side, he’ll ask questions about your work, hobbies, and causes dear to your heart. He might even tag along to your work events or throw some cash at your favorite charity. Now that’s showing interest!

2) You are protected by him

Superman called and said he’d be jealous! If he hates seeing you under the weather or stressed out, and steps up to help, that’s a huge green flag. Whether it’s cooking a meal, running errands, or even babysitting the little ones, he’s got you covered.

The golden nugget here: He just wants you to be happy and healthy. Now isn’t that the kind of TLC every woman wishes for?

3) He supports your dreams and goals

Does he cheer you on as if you’re about to win an Olympic gold medal? If he’s more than just a cheerleader and actively helps you pursue your dreams, he’s showing commitment. Whether you’re eyeing a world tour or considering a career change, he’ll brainstorm ways to make your dream come true.

When you’re sitting in the trenches of life, he’ll be your biggest support. If he’s just in it for a good time, expecting him to stand by you through rough patches might be a stretch.

4) He does things for you because he cares about you, not because he wants something in return

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is genuine love without selflessness. He does things for you out of sheer care, not because there’s a hidden price tag waiting to be cashed in.

He’ll remember the small joys in your life and go the extra mile to sprinkle them into your day, just because he loves to see you smile.

If Mr. Right isn’t demonstrating these traits, it might be time to reconsider the road ahead.

5) He makes sure that his words and actions are aligned

Consistency is key in any relationship, and he’s got it in spades. He’s a straight-shooter, ensuring that what he says and does match up seamlessly. No empty promises here!

In a situation where he slips up—and let’s be real, nobody’s perfect—he’ll own it, no excuses. That’s something you can count on!

6) He doesn’t hesitate to express feelings of love or regret

Whether it’s love or a heartfelt apology, he’s not holding back. A man who can openly talk about his feelings is one secure dude, and that kind of transparency is great for the long run.

Expressing dissatisfaction and then apologizing when he’s wrong? That’s the mark of someone who’s not just mature but who truly values the relationship.

If your guy ticks off these signs, then congratulations! It sounds like you’ve found a keeper ready to stick with you through thick and thin. If not, it might be better to keep looking. After all, a long-lasting relationship deserves the best foundation!


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