Prayer for Strengthening your Relationship with God

Dear Everlasting Father,

I am grateful for the blessings and mercies that you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for your unwavering protection and guidance. As we embark on a new month, I pray that you, Lord, will help me focus my thoughts on you and deepen my connection with you.

Please guide me in letting go of any distractions that may hinder my relationship with you. Teach me to love you wholeheartedly and help me keep my attention fixed on you.

I humbly ask for your forgiveness for any sins I have committed and I pray that you cleanse me of anything that does not reflect your Holy Name. Please assist me in living a life that is centered on Christ, and let your Holy Spirit lead me in all that I do. May my devotion to you be a constant reminder to always put you first, regardless of the circumstances.

Grant me the desire to study your word diligently and give me the wisdom and understanding to apply it in my daily life. When things don’t go as planned, please remind me that your plan for me is greater than anything I may desire. With each passing day, strengthen my faith in you.

In Jesus’ name, I pray,

Another Prayer for Grace and Faith

Oh, God, we come before you seeking an increase in our faith. May it never be said that our faith is small or inadequate. Help us to recognize and embrace your infinite power, glory, greatness, and majesty. We acknowledge that you hold unlimited ability and sovereignly rule over all things.

Keep us from relying on our own strength and instead help us trust fully in your power. As we pray, keep us mindful that we are communicating with the King of the universe, the one who has all authority and power. Help us not to underestimate you in our prayers.

In our service to others and in our prayers for others, may we do so with a deep awareness of your power. We do not want to minister in our own strength or ability. Forgive us for our tendency to do so. Lord, we long to trust in you completely. Help us seek you and believe you with unwavering faith.

Give us the faith to believe that you can do what would be impossible otherwise. Each one of us has prayers in our hearts that require your intervention. We trust that you have the power to answer these prayers and we pray that you would do so in a way that displays your glory. May our faith be strengthened through it all.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


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