Leah Remini sues the Church of Scientology, claiming the organization has harassed her for over a decade.

Leah Remini is suing the Church of Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige, alleging that she has been “stalked, surveilled, harassed, threatened, and intimidated” as well as the target of “intentional malicious and fraudulent rumors.”

Remini filed the case on Wednesday, just days before convicted rapist and renowned Scientologist Danny Masterson’s pre-sentencing hearing.

“For 17 years, Scientology and David Miscavige have subjected me to psychological torture, defamation, surveillance, harassment, and intimidation, severely affecting my life and career.” “I believe I am not the first person targeted by Scientology and its operations, but I intend to be the last,” the actress declared in an Instagram news statement.

Remini claimed in the 60-page dossier that the Church of Scientology actively targeted her and invaded her privacy after she officially quit in 2013, despite the fact that “coordinated campaigns against Remini” began in 2006, while she was still a member of the Church.

The press release specifically targets Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs (OSA), which reportedly monitors Scientologists as well as anyone outside the organization who has been designated as an “enemy” of the religion. The approach, known as a “series of directives,” dates back to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

According to the lawsuit, Remini has been targeted by “OSA and its operatives” since publicly abandoning the religion. Their aims were to “completely restrain and muzzle,” “obliterate,” and “utterly ruin” the actress.

According to the lawsuit, Remini has been the “victim of malicious and fraudulent rumors spread by hundreds of Scientology-controlled and coordinated social media accounts that exist solely to intimidate and spread misinformation.” Scientology has increased the impact of some of these tweets by paying social media companies like Twitter to ‘promote’ them with tax-exempt monies.”

“Defendants have also harassed, threatened, intimidated, and humiliated Ms. Remini’s family members, friends, colleagues, and business associates on a regular basis, causing her to lose personal relationships, business contracts, and other business opportunities.”

“For example, since 2017, Defendants’ account, @standmonitor, has posted thousands of malicious and harassing tweets about Ms. Remini.” They have posted over 247 tweets intended at Ms. Remini in March 2023 alone, including dozens of photoshopped images of Ms. Remini wearing “I love rapists” clothing with similar fake captions purporting to prove Ms. Remini’s support for rapists under the hashtag, #ReminiLovesRapists.”

Remini claimed she was instructed to travel to the Flag Land Base building (known as FLAG) in Clearwater, FL after questioning Shelly Miscavige’s location during Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ wedding.

The actress was compelled to “go through a quick ‘ethics cycle,'” which was one of her “life’s worst nightmares” as a Scientologist.

“When Ms. Remini arrived, she was given dozens of internal reports from Scientologists complaining about her behavior at the wedding.” Ms. Remini realized she was being penalized for inquiring about Shelly Miscavige and making reports on David Miscavige and others. Ms. Remini was detained at FLAG for four months while she was subjected to a process that cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars and nearly resulted in a psychotic breakdown.”

She eventually caved and retracted her claims, admitting she was the source of the problem. She returned to Los Angeles, where she “was forced to lie to her colleagues, friends, and family about what happened while she was in Florida.”

“With this lawsuit, I hope to protect the rights afforded to them and me by the United States Constitution to speak the truth and report the facts about Scientology without fear of vicious and vindictive retribution, against which most have no way of fighting back.”

Please spread the word if you agree with Leah Remini and those who have left the Church of Scientology.


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