Everyone she passed was making fun of her despite the fact that she was acting normally.

Heidi Powell was given the incredible story of Jacqueline, who lost 170 kg on her own and at home.

In an effort to spread the important message that “EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE,” as we at Styleoga constantly proclaim since we really believe it is true, Heidi, who was amazed by this beautiful account, shared it on her blog.

Jacqueline’s report is everything but simple, and here is what she wrote:

“I’ve battled with weight my entire life. My name is Jacqueline Adan, and I’m a native Californian who is 29 years old.

I struggled with my body image and hated how I looked from a young age; the more unhappy I got over it, the more I ate.

I was also upset with myself for allowing food to control my actions and for being a part of my dramatic weight gain.

No matter what I did, it always felt like I was unable to stick to any form of “diet” and would either gain back the weight I had lost plus more, quit when it got too hard, or turn to food once more.

Because I was constantly “dieting” or fretting about food and my body, I was always different from everyone around me, and I was sick of it!

What my buddies were eating, I could never eat! By the time I attended college in 2005, I had completely given up and just wanted to have a “regular” college experience. As a result, I started eating like everyone else and stopped caring.

At the end of 2011, only a few months before my 25th birthday, my boyfriend Kevin and my sister Jenny decided that we needed to go to Disneyland, a place I have loved ever since I was born.

I was instantaneously transformed into a princess the moment I stepped through those gates; it was a land of magic and imagination, a place where anything was possible and where dreams truly did come true.

I figured maybe going to the “happiest place on earth” would cheer me up, but when we arrived there, I was so frail that I could hardly get to the front gate without needing to rent a wheelchair.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t walk and had put on so much weight that I needed a wheelchair to get around.

I remember feeling as though everyone was staring, criticizing, and admiring the obese girl on wheels who couldn’t even stand when I was in a wheelchair in Disneyland. I felt ashamed!

Even though I told my sister and Kevin I didn’t want to ride the rides, I knew I wouldn’t fit on them, which devastated me.

I gave my permission to board a few rides that I thought I might fit on, but I forgot to take into account a small element.

As we neared the front of the line, I became aware of the turnstile. I got stuck while Kevin and my sister both passed through. I was miserable!

Once I was out of there, I laughed it off, but at the time, I was overcome with guilt, shame, and embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I’d allowed myself to become that big. I cried in the bathroom after leaving.

A few days after turning 25, in February 2012, I recall knowing I needed to change—I wanted to change—when I woke up one morning.

Unaware of how drastically my life would change after making that one phone call, I chose to call Jenny Craig.

My thoughts was racing as I got ready to walk back onto the scale, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was going to see there.

Right there in Jenny Craig, I lost it and started crying. Once I had collected myself, I wiped my eyes, declared, “Ok, I can do this,” and we established a target for me to drop more than 300 pounds.

I aimed to at least reach the hundred mark. That day, as I left the center, I felt ready, resolute, overwhelmed, and terrified.

I am the type of person who will follow through on a goal if I truly believe in it. This time, nothing was going to stop me.

I lost 100 pounds within the first year with the help and encouragement of Jenny Craig, my consultant, my family, my friends, and Kevin’s unwavering love.

I reached my first “major” milestone in May 2013…

I had reached half of my target weight. My first return trip to Disneyland with Kevin, Jenny, and my cousins took place in August of that year, which was another event.

Returning made me a little anxious, but it was my tiny cousins’ first vacation, so I couldn’t miss it for the world!

I still needed a wheelchair to aid in my mobility, and I was quite anxious to ride the rides.

But despite my self-doubt and belief that I would not fit, my cousins grasped my hand and led the way as we stood in line.

Even though that was the hardest thing for me mentally, I was able to fit on every ride and I didn’t get stuck in any turnstiles. I was no longer going to let my weight prevent me from enjoying life.

We went to Disneyland once more at the end of 2013, and this time, my life altered significantly. On Christmas Eve, Kevin got down on one knee in front of the castle in Disneyland!

In my entire life, I had never felt happier! My firm belief that Disneyland is the location where “dreams really do come true” was a major driving force behind my decision to embark on this voyage.

I was about 200 pounds lighter, already halfway to my goal, and engaged to the man who always stood by my side no matter how big I was.

I vowed to myself that no matter how long it took, I will get married with the body I have fought so hard for, next to the man who has been by my side throughout it all!

I was determined to get married in a non-plus size dress! It really was a fantastic way to end a fantastic year! I truly felt like a princess!

I started having some trouble at the start of 2014. I let the fact that the weight wasn’t losing as quickly truly depress me.

Instead of focusing on how far I had come, I began to consider how far I still had to go.

We determined that it would be best for me to attempt making my own meals in order to see if I could start eating again because I was having trouble swallowing anything.

I was still having trouble eating, wasn’t getting enough calories, which was making my migraine headaches worse, and the weight loss was still proving to be a challenge.

I started trying new meals, and I had to consciously remind myself that eating wouldn’t make me fat or gain weight. After some time, I was eventually able to turn things around and continue my change.

I started taking a “boot camp” session at “Fit For Life Solutions” in January 2015, and I absolutely adore it!

My trainers are all incredibly helpful, really work with me, and assist me in making adjustments so I can perform all of the routines.

I work out hard with cardio and weights four to five days per week. Along with the weight on the scale, the inches are also decreasing.

I was thrilled to see my collarbones for the first time in years now that I can actually see some muscle definition!

I’m very happy to have expanded my support network with more incredible people.

I have the best trainers, and all of the individuals I work out with make an incredible support system. They constantly stand by me and are very encouraging and supportive.

I currently weigh around 350 pounds, continue to attend boot class four to five times each week, and continue to consume Jenny Craig meals.

Although my weight has been stable for the past six months or so, my body is nevertheless undergoing significant changes.

I have lost weight, but the only issue I currently have is all the additional skin. Though I’m making an effort to accept it, it still gives me a lot of mental trouble.

I’m experiencing rashes, severe neck and back discomfort, and headaches as a result of it.

In addition to all the medical problems the excess skin is giving me, I am still battling my insurance company to get them to pay for the surgery because they are classifying it as cosmetic.

Since I’m still healing from my first skin removal operation from July 28th, I’m trying not to let this stress me out too much and to keep my mind and body positive and peaceful.

This is not the end of my adventure, and I can’t wait to discover what lies ahead for me!

I still have the rest of my life to live, and I’m doing it in a way that makes me proud and no longer makes me ashamed.

Now I don’t have to worry about renting a wheelchair or trying to fit on the rides when I go to Disneyland.

In my family, there is a running joke that after everything is said and done, I will have a destination wedding, forgo wearing a bridal gown entirely, and exchange vows in a white designer bikini.

Disney once said, “Anything is possible; all you need is a little bit of confidence, trust, and fairy dust.” All of us must simply wait and see.

What else can we add? Jacqueline is living proof that everything is achievable with support, dedication, and hard work. Her story is exciting and incredibly inspirational.

Jacqueline We’re hoping the best for you in the future!


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