After 77 Years Of Marriage, Loving Holds Hands As They Drift Off To Heaven Together

True love is difficult to define many have even questioned its existence. In a world where people only seem to love when there is something to gain, where divorce is fast becoming the order of the day, where an increasing number of people are embracing the concept of single parenthood and true love seems to be the subject of a fairy tale.

A touching photo of an elderly couple, married for 77 years, holding hands in bed just hours before the wife died has gone viral and have been hailed as the definition of true love.

People that don’t even believe in true love are now reconsidering their stance and some people whose marriage are heading over the cliff are considering making peace with their significant order.

The photo was shared on Reddit by the elderly couple’s granddaughter believed to be from San Francisco, with a post that reads: “My Grandma 96, with my Grandpa, 100, hours before her death this weekend. 77 years of marriage. I know they are my grandparents. But this picture is seriously the saddest and cutest thing I’ve ever seen”.

The photo has provoked an outpour of emotional marriage stories by married people on reddit. After seeing the picture a reddit user said he decided to make up with his wife who he’d fallen out with. Another reddit user that goes by the username TorchTheRed has this to say:

“Tonight we argued. It was the usual suspects: money, long hours working, who cares less about who’s feelings, I grabbed a blanket and headed for the lounge- after 24 years of marriage you kinda figure out that the sofa, the pooch for company and the evening apart from each other is a good way to cool hot heads.

Then I read this post, I put the kettle on, made my wife a cup of tea and woke her up, held her hand and told her that I love her. ”

NWBoomer added: “when we were a young couple we often stated that we wanted to grow old together. A not uncommon sentiment between a couple when you are young as you think your youth and beauty will last forever. This image is what it truly means to grow old together.”

Sympathetic comments have also followed the photo since its release by the granddaughter a reddit user under the name CramPacked for instance wrote: “Sorry for your loss. But what a ‘great’ way to go. Holding hands with your spouse, in a warm bed, presumably with loved ones around. Sympathy to your Grandfather who lost his lifelong wife. God bless all around.

Surprisingly and mind straining is the fact that the granddaughter claimed to have also received a number of hateful responses to the photo, it beggars belief how someone could see this beautiful heart-breaking picture and passing hateful comment will come to their mind.

“This happily ever after” and “till death do us apart” life will be remembered for a long time just like the photo of a Canadian couple that were seen crying bitterly after learning that they will be separated for the first time in 62 years of marriage because no beds were available together. Another couple who lived the ‘till death do us apart” life is Jeanette Toczko and Alexander Toczko who spent 75 years of their lives together after falling in love when they were both eight years old.


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