Unfortunately his health problems have worsened.

The actor has been in the business for more than five decades and has starred in storied movies like The Godfather parts 1, 2, and 3. The celebrity, who has struggled with his mental health for many years, has not always found stardom to be easy.

Pacino’s breakthrough performance came with The Godfather, which led to nominations for the Oscars and Golden Globes. Pacino’s mental health did, however, begin to decline once the movie was released and he was thrust into the spotlight.

Lee Strasberg, a director, and actor, advised the struggling young actor at the time to simply “adapt to his new existence.” “but Pacino acknowledged that it is not that straightforward.

I went through some stuff,” Pacino remarked on The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast. For 25 years, I went to counseling five days a week.

The actor recognized that Michael Corleone, who he played in The Godfather II, suffered from depression.

The same thing happened when he played an aging actor who had an affair with a younger lady in the movie The Humbling.

He continued, “The character is getting older and the feelings he has for his work are becoming less available to him, so he tries to compensate and becomes a little off and confused and slips into a kind of depression that expresses itself in his work.” Initially drawn to the role because of the character’s “tragic fall,” he said.

Even though the actor acknowledged that he has had difficulties in the past, he recently said that he considers himself “fortunate” and “spared” for not having experienced the hardships that some of his fellow actors sadly did and still experience.

He said: “I might be depressed, but I don’t know about it” during the Venice Film Festival.

“People experience depression, which is incredibly sad, can persist for a long time, and is terrible.

“I am aware of that because I have experienced similar symptoms before, but not to the same degree. I feel fortunate and spared.”

After the tragic suicide of Robin Williams in 2014, actor mental health became a topic of concern.

Pacino tried to cut back on his workload in the 1980s by only participating in a small number of movies. He said, when asked about the time spent away from the camera, “It was beneficial for me. I liked it. However, as it turns out, the funds run out.

Around the world, 5% of adults are thought to experience depression, according to the World Health Organization. That is roughly 280 million individuals worldwide.

The illness can result in suicide and is one of the main causes of disability in the globe.

Despite being one of the most widespread mental health disorders, the majority of those who have it do not receive any treatment.

Everyone will suffer some sort of depression at some point in their lives, according to the NHS, but when the illness takes control of your life and prevents you from carrying out daily tasks, it becomes a problem.

Stress or unfavorable life experiences are just two examples of the many possible causes of depression. Additionally, there are connections between depression and physical well-being. For instance, depression can result from cardiovascular illness.

According to the NHS, depressive symptoms might include the following:

ongoing melancholy or sadness

Having no hope and being powerless

Having a low sense of self

I’m moved to tears

experiencing guilt

angry and intolerable toward other people

lacking drive or enthusiasm for activities

having trouble making judgments

Not enjoying life at all Feeling nervous or concerned

imagining injuring oneself or committing suicide.

Further physical signs include:

A slower pace of movement or speech than typical

alterations in weight or appetite (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)


Unaccounted-for aches and discomfort

Not enough energy

Low-quality drive (loss of libido)

alterations to the menstrual cycle

Sleep disturbances include having trouble falling asleep at night or waking up unusually early in the morning.

The disease can also have a negative social impact on a person, causing them to avoid friends or neglect interests and hobbies.

Doctors will describe the condition’s severity after a diagnosis. This might range from mild to moderate to severe depression. The most severe type of depression, where navigating daily life is nearly impossible.

Consult a GP as soon as possible if you have concerns about your mental health or the mental health of someone you know. If someone is having suicidal thoughts, The Samaritans are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 116 123.


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