So sad to hear the news about Chris Hemsworth.

While filming his docuseries Limitless, actor Chris Hemsworth, 39, underwent genetic tests that indicated he possessed two copies of the gene APOE4, one from each of his parents, which indicates the “strongest risk factor gene for Alzheimer’s disease,” according to a National Institute of Aging study.

According to a 2021 study by the National Institute of Health, just 2 to 3 percent of people have both copies of the gene, as Hemsworth does. “[T]he plan was to tell me all the results on camera and then speak about how you can better this and that,” Hemsworth said in a November 18 interview with Vanity Fair. “And Peter Attia, who plays the longevity doctor in that episode and oversees a lot of the show, called [show creator] Darren [Aronofsky and said, ‘I don’t want to tell him this on camera. We need to have an off-the-record talk to see if he even wants this in the show.” The results found that the actor was “eight to ten times” more likely to get the disease.

Another indicator of the elevated risk is Hemsworth’s grandfather has Alzheimer’s.

“It triggered something in me that made me want to take some time off,” he explained. “And since we concluded the show, I’ve been finishing the stuff I was obligated to accomplish. Now, when I end my tour this week, I’m going home and taking some time off, just to simplify. Be with the kids and my wife.”

This was another eye-opener for him since his demanding work schedule prohibited him from spending more time with his family, which included daughter Indiana, 10, twin sons Tristan and Sasha, 8, and wife Elsa Pataky.

“Doing a death episode and facing your mortality made me go, ‘Oh God, I’m not ready to go yet,'” he explained. “Then you start talking about kids and family, and you’re like, ‘Oh my God, they’re getting older, they’re growing up, and I keep slapping another movie on top of another movie.'” They’re 18 before you realize it, and they’ve moved out, and I missed the window.”

Hemsworth claimed that he was offered a version of the episode in which they didn’t discuss the test results, but he declined and insisted on including it in the final cut.

“I said to myself, ‘No, look if this is a motivator for others to take better care of themselves and understand that there are actions you can take—then terrific.’ I feared I wouldn’t twist it, overdramatize it, and turn it into a clumsy attempt at empathy or something for entertainment.”

He has not resigned or quit his job because he is taking some time off. On the contrary, he simply makes more time for his family and prioritizes what is most important to him. At the same time, he hopes that individuals who read his interview and watch the program will be inspired to do the same.

“You never know when your time is up, and you never know what tomorrow holds,” he explained. “Whether or not any of this information helps you live longer, the point is to live better right now. Whatever you do right now to enhance your future self significantly impacts your current self.”

Chris and his family are in our thoughts and prayers.


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