10 Things That Men Love in Women More Than Their Physical Beauty

The looks and appearance are definitely the first thing anyone notices about a person. Even in matters of love, the first thing that attracts a guy to a girl is their guise and the way they look. That is, however, not the only factor that appeals to the eyes of men. Relationships are not entirely based on external appearances, and therefore other things such as personality, self-esteem, and wittiness have a lot to do with attracting men. That being said, here are 10 things that men love in women more than their physical beauty.

#1. Kindness.

At the beginning, everyone is kind and sweet, but it is important to keep it up. A man pays attention to how a woman speaks about her former colleagues and even strangers.

#2. Independent woman with her own life

For an ideal woman, it’s important to have her own unique style, she must always have time for family and friends, and also care for herself. This is imperative. This woman should be a lover of adventure and travel.

#3. Intelligence

There is something very sexy in a woman who is educated, witty, and can support any conversation.

#4. A woman who can be the best friend for a man

The responsibility of an ideal woman includes helping a man to be on top. She should admire, support him, and laugh at his jokes.

#5. Simplicity

Men appreciate ambitions and big dreams, but they want a woman who values life in small things, who knows that the most important thing in life is family, friendship, love, and intimacy.

#6. Openness

Nobody likes being told that they are wrong. Nobody wants to be corrected. A man wants a woman who will not condemn him, who is open to new perspectives and views.

#7. Creativity

No one is attracted by the words “normal” or “average”. Everyone wants someone special, different from others, creative, and unique. A man wants a woman who is not afraid to do things her own way. She has the spirit of freedom.

#8. She knows herself

The fact that she has an open mindset does not mean that she is naive. She knows herself, trusts her intuition, knows what she wants and what she does not.

#9. Purposefulness

A woman who knows what she wants from life, and strives for it can’t be not attractive. She found her way and her goal. It fills her life with meaning and charges her with enthusiasm.

#10. She shows her appreciation to her man

He wants to feel that he is loved and she can give it to him. She can make him feel warm and cozy.


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