Why is the importance of family underestimated so much when it is the most important thing in your life? (or it should be …)

The family is the place where we are born, where we grow up, but whose role we do not understand very well from the beginning. That is where we learn what honor is, what respect is and what tolerance is … because we are all different and we have little choice but to live together as a family. From there we receive all love, from there we learn all human, moral values, from there we receive support and there we send our love. Later we form our own family, which we will manage with at least the same love and respect.


At least that’s what the theory sounds like … In everyday life we ​​rarely find that respect in families, we rarely feel that warmth and pleasure of all sitting together around the table. Why? Why do these things no longer exist? Why do we only behave nicely when we need a service or something from them? Why do parents end up swearing at their children and why do children end up swearing at their parents? Where are those moments, let’s call them “old-fashioned,” where people spent a few hours talking, without yelling at each other, without contradicting each other, and without getting angry?


I can only feel enormous regret when I hear of siblings suing for the wealth left behind by their parents, I can only think with horror that all the children are waiting for is to be able to inherit who knows what house or earth. It is cruel that we hurt our parents with reproaches and harsh words because we do not have a certain material situation and we do not thank them for all the sacrifices they have made to help us start our own lives! It’s so sad we don’t see the corner of our noses and throw any blame on them! I want these things to change from the bottom of my heart, I want to discover what the true values ​​are and rediscover love … But we are so fierce … God is the only one who can save us. I trust Him, but I can’t force everyone to do the same … Still, I can ask you to try to change what’s wrong with your family with His help … even at the last minute.


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