What is the One Thing You Should Never Say to Your Grown Children? It Might Surprise You! ‍ ‍ ‍

What is the One Thing You Should Never Say to Your Grown Children? It Might Surprise You! ‍ ‍ ‍

Oh, my stars and garters! Hold onto your hoop skirts, folks, because I’m about to spill the beans on a pearl of wisdom you may not see coming. As a mother, grandmother, and proud patriot who’s been around long enough to remember when rotary phones were as common as cornbread, I’ve had my fair share of conversations with my children. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that some things are better left unsaid. And trust me, this one will surprise you.

It All Starts with Love

Now, gather ’round y’all and let me tell you a little story about good ol’ family values. I’ve got three wonderful children – each as different as night and day but bound together by the love that only a mother like me could stitch with the threads of her heart. Now, as each of my little chickadees flew the coop to build nests of their own, there were a few things I always held back from telling them. Sure, there were moments I bit my tongue so hard you’d think I tasted shoe leather!

Sunday Dinners and Life Lessons

Picture this: Sunday dinners with the whole family gathered around the table, the smell of pot roast wafting through the air and sweet tea so perfectly brewed it could convert the staunchest of coffee drinkers. It was during these dinners when life lessons flowed as freely as the gravy. But you know what I never once said? “I told you so!”

The Temptation of ‘I Told You So’

It’s as tempting as a second slice of pie, my friends, but “I told you so” is the one phrase that you should absolutely never utter. It’s the verbal equivalent of throwing a bucket of cold water on a warm, sunny day. Trust me on this – I’ve seen the look on my children’s faces when they’ve faced a bump in the road, and let me tell you, it’s not the time for me to step in like a know-it-all chicken hen cluckin’ away. They know they messed up, no need for a reminder from Momma.

A Tale of Two Sons

Let me illustrate my point with a little story about my two sons, Jake and Hank. Now, Jake once decided to invest in a far-fetched business involving, get this, personalized seashell collections. Well, bless his heart, he thought he’d stumbled upon a gold mine. Meanwhile, Hank got himself all tangled up in some get-rich-quick scheme that promised riches beyond our wildest dreams with just a small investment.

Did I know they were both headed for a fall faster than you can say “Yankee Doodle Dandy?” Absolutely. Did I say “I told you so” when it happened? Not a chance! Instead, I welcomed them back with open arms, a hot meal, and some good ol’ motherly advice. Because, darling, that’s what love does. It forgives. It teaches gently. It’s patient, just like the Good Lord intended.

The Power of Silence

Never underestimate the power of silence. Sometimes, keeping your ‘I told you so’ to yourself is the kindest and most loving thing you can do. We, parents, must be like the wise owl, listening more than we speak, and when we do speak, we do so with the wisdom of Solomon and the compassion of a saint. Our kids need our love and support, not our reminders of failure, which they already carry heavy on their shoulders.

Patriotism and Family Values

And speaking of shoulders, let’s remember where we came from, folks. This great country of ours was built on a foundation of strong family values and community support. Back in the day, neighbors helped neighbors, parents respected their children, and vice versa. We had each other’s backs, just like in the good Samaritan story. And I’m here to remind y’all that even when our kids stumble, we lift them up with love and understanding. It’s our patriotic duty to instill in them the same values that built this country – faith, loyalty, and unwavering support.

The Wisdom of Experience

At 60, I’ve learned that humility and grace go a long way, even if it means biting our tongues and praying silently for the Lord to give us strength. We all have our own journeys to make, our own lessons to learn, and our own mistakes to master. Our job as parents is to stand by with loving arms, ready to catch our children when they fall and lift them back up again.

The Surprise Ending

I bet you didn’t expect that, did you? The one thing you should never say to your grown children! It’s not about controlling them, fixing their mistakes, or guiding their every step. Sometimes, it’s just about loving them, even when they falter, just as our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally. So keep your “I told you so’s” to yourself, sweet friends. Show your love not through your words of hindsight, but through the embrace you offer when they need it most.

Remember, my dears, love always wins the day. And that’s the gospel truth.