What I want? On you … On him … I think I’m packing and ready! Today I start to love myself!

Another feeling comes from you … and Claudia feels that love is harder when you have to share it with two men … We think we can avoid all the pain and suffering if we love one man cleanly … but still. …


Do we know what love is or how long it lasts?!?


How do we know a person is for life? How do we know that we can be with them for better or for worse? It’s simple! We don’t know … Because life is a lottery … We risk … The stakes are high! We bet everything on one book! What could happen?!? We win … we love … We lose … we suffer …


When you are in a relationship with a man you feel you love very, very much … that nothing will ever separate you … You throw yourself into his arms hoping that you will be together until old age … With him you shared good and bad … With him you floated across the seas and lands … With him you laughed, you cried … With him you slept in your arms and you felt safe, protected .. .love … You argued with him countless times just so you could reconcile … You waited for him alone and cold to return from the turbulent seas … You held his hand when it was hard for him … And he hugged you when it was hard for you …. and he believed in you, he was always by your side when you had hard decisions to make … when you were sad, nervous … when you were suffering … when you didn’t know where to get it … he was there! Gentle, he smiled at you and told you that everything would be fine … Because that means loving!


And … yet … how long does the love between two people last? Forever …. And when does “forever” end? Let’s assume never … But do you know that word … “never say never”? And … the years go by … And sometimes … and the love goes by … Will you love me the same after the years go by? Maybe you do … But will I still love you? … No baby, I didn’t tell you everything I feel for you! I didn’t tell you that I would like with all my heart to hate you for all the discussions that made me stop loving him … but you !!! How do I tell him it’s forever over?!? Tell me … how can I tell him that … Is our whole beautiful story over?!? That I no longer feel … what I felt … for him … but for you! And you have no patience at all … You want me to make a decision now … you want me to come with you … Offf … and I want to … And I would come with you … but I’m so fear …. You don’t know … you don’t know … How much I loved him …. Off love … what did you do to me? By what right do you come back into my life ?! I didn’t look for him … I didn’t want him! But I can’t help it …. You know I can’t do anything … I’m paralyzed by fear … I’ll let time decide for me …


What I want? On you … On him … I think I’m packing and ready! Today I start to love myself!


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