Toddler’s Hair Mishap Transformed Into ‘Spunky’ Style Thanks to a Hairdresser’s ‘Great Save’

Being a parent of a small child can be challenging, but sometimes you have to learn to go with the flow and find the humor in everyday childhood shenanigans, as an Ohio mom learned from her two children.

Breana Naylor is the proud mother of two children, Colt, three, and Kimber, two. Colt and Kimber have a habit of keeping Naylor on her toes, so when she gets a chance to unwind, she takes it without hesitation. After not hearing her children play for several minutes, Naylor decided she needed to check on them, recalling the 2019 incident to

Naylor was surprised to find some of Kimber’s long blonde hair on the floor while searching in her bedroom. She discovered the two of them hiding behind some of her dresses after looking in the closet. Naylor was taken aback when she saw Colt snipping Kimber’s hair, the scissors still in his little hands as Kimber sat as if the impromptu snip had been planned.

“I saw the long-cut hair pieces before I saw them,” she explained to the outlet. Colt was “holding the scissors up to Kimber’s head, and she was sitting very still as if he instructed her to do so,” she said.

Rather than chastise her children for actions that would make most parents cringe, Naylor picked up Kimber. Instead of reprimanding her children, the mother was amused. This starkly contrasted to Naylor’s husband’s reaction after learning what had occurred.

“I just laughed when I saw the damage. “My husband, on the other hand, was quite upset,” she told the outlet.

Fortunately, Naylor had a plan in place to rectify the situation. Jen Bullock, a hair stylist, was called by the young mother to repair the damage Colt had caused while playing with his sister. Naylor had spoken with Jen earlier in the day about scheduling her haircare appointment, but had decided to postpone it for the time being due to Kimber’s hair emergency.

Naylor told that Jen arrived at their door about an hour after Naylor contacted her. Jen worked her magic on Kimber, giving her an incredible haircut Naylor described as “rad.” Kimber’s new asymmetrical hairdo, according to Naylor, better reflected her character and may even encourage her daughter to be more daring.

“I’m not sure if Kimber realizes how awesome she is,” Naylor observed. “It’s as if her hair now matches her spunky personality, or perhaps she’s more spunky because of her red hair,” Naylor told the publication.

Naylor’s before and after photos of Kimber on Facebook drew thousands of comments from users worldwide, who remarked on how great Kimber looked after her appointment with Bullock.

“So cute, great save,” one commenter said, while another added, “Good Job, Momma. She’s quite adorable!”

Despite the incident, Naylor claims that Colt and Kimber are just regular kids who don’t get into any bigger trouble than jumping off the family’s living room couch or attempting to climb pantry shelves. Naylor also stated that she discussed with Colt the importance of never using scissors without the presence of an adult.

Do you think Kimber’s mother made a great save? What is the most heinous thing your children have done when you are absent? Please let us know, and don’t forget to tell all the other moms and dads who would be interested.


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