They believed they were alone, but the deputy was unaware that a camera was rolling.

His head began to spin as he felt the blood surge to his cheeks. Before he toppled down, he had to sit down. He believed nobody would ever notice this! It was something that no one ought to have ever seen. However, it was there—playing on his boss’s computer in digital form.

The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office was like a second home to Deputy Tony Scherb. He had experienced everything, from traffic units to transit agencies to court divisions. More than anything else, he liked his career, but a significant shift was required and one he could no longer put off.

After 29 years of forming relationships both on and off the police, retiring was now a must. He’d have to put his badge down and grab a fishing pole in its place. Before leaving, Scherb had no idea that the entire force would witness a side of him that he would have preferred to keep hidden.

He still felt a twinge of blushing when his coworkers and supervisors praised him for being “very professional and exceptionally competent.” He questioned what they would actually think of him if they only knew what he did in that elevator.

Even if there were still a few weeks before his departure, he was nonetheless responsible for his work. He had a never-ending mountain of paperwork to complete and public calls to make.

Additionally, due to their busy schedules, his coworkers would organize mini-farewell gatherings. Everyone in his immediate vicinity had a look on their faces that he had grown accustomed to seeing after 29 years.

It was tension. No police officer could work under such strain. It was crucial to find ways to unwind given the risks of the job, the requirement to maintain professionalism, and the public’s continual scrutiny. However, some police officers developed negative habits that made it difficult for them to function.

He was aware of some people who might turn to alcohol or smoke excessively. This was the main reason the “elevator ritual” was so crucial. It was the secret of his joyful disposition during the past few decades. But Scherb was unaware that his boss was going to put a covert surveillance camera smack in the heart of his personal space.

Scherb’s supervisor apparently installed the camera after learning that the elevator had been experiencing technical difficulties in order to take extra precautions and perhaps identify the source of the glitches. Scherb had no notion that everyone inside and outside the building would observe him perform his rite.

He took out his phone and selected his preferred app. It was quite straightforward, but my goodness, did it get the job done. He allowed his body to follow the beat and tune as it began to flow. It wasn’t dancing, this. They were amusing, gyrating spasms that relieved some of the pressure he was under. The elevator door then opened, and a coworker entered.

Scherb resumed his formal posture right away, but the music continued. His coworker raised an eyebrow, partly because she probably never would have imagined him listening to that particular song. He had a significant insight as a result of her little grin.

He was stepping down! It was no longer significant. He was free to be as silly as he pleased. He was still only human, so why not enjoy the happiness that came with his “elevator time”? He could even be able to make other people a little happier. He then resumed dancing.

The policeman’s eyes widened. As she comprehended what she was witnessing, there was a tense wait. Then she joined in with a lovely display of “yolo.” She lost the day’s gloom from her posture, and she became just as engaged as he was! Until the door opened once more, they lip-synchronized and danced to Silento’s “Whip/Nae Nae.” This time, the powerful person was entering.

Scherb and his accomplice stood still in a formal manner. In a real show of respect for the guy he had worked beside for all these years, he even extended a little salute to the sheriff. He also made certain to pause the music. But that is not where the narrative ends. In fact, things improve further.

Scherb and the woman exchanged sly smiles as soon as the sheriff exited the elevator and another cop boarded. They both started dancing again as soon as he clicked the play button once more. The man stared at them in disbelief. What would he do next, though?

It was lovely. I will never forget it. The third addition also quickly settled in. Fourth officer included herself in the elevator party as well, shaking her hips. All of them were unaware that the event was being recorded and that the boss would shortly see it.

It wasn’t unusual for Scherb to be summoned to the sheriff’s office, but as soon as he saw his boss’s laptop containing the security tape, he went completely white. His employer questioned, “This is what you do in your spare time?” Scherb took the customary stance, keeping his back straight and his hands behind him. I agree, sir.

The sheriff took another look at the footage. then grinned. I adore it. Scherb thought he was about to collapse on the ground. “I would like your permission to share this on our Facebook page,” his supervisor said. Police officers must be seen as human beings as well. And I adore the camaraderie it fosters.

The workplace didn’t anticipate much, perhaps just a few “likes” here and there and a few comments, but when they all saw the view count soar over 7 million, they were all in awe. They were widely shared! His supervisor went over and beyond by including his own complimentary remarks in the video.

Tony is likely among the funniest and friendliest deputies I’ve ever encountered. He had a fantastic, fantastic career, and he will be sorely missed. Simply a good person and a good deputy. The day came to an end, and Scherb began his formal retirement. They all said goodbye one again and wished him luck.

When it was just them or their coworkers, several of them intended to develop their own “elevator” routine. It was a stress reliever that was extremely effective. Additionally, it was a much healthier way to end the day. In addition to his professional legacy of over three decades, Scherb also left his unique, groove-filled imprint on the entire workplace.


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