They adopted pit bull Joy from an animal shelter. The dog’s actions stunned people all across the world!

A family in Minnesota went through a situation that altered their lives. They adopted Joy, a pit bull mix from the animal shelter, two years ago. He got along well with everyone, especially their two children, Emilly, age six, and Jonas, age ten. The children and dog were always together. They shared a bed at night and enjoyed daytime games and treks together.

On one occasion, Jonas told his family that he would take a bath before coming home. The rest of the family remained in the backyard. The child’s mother initially heard some strange noises.

When she entered the house, she realized the sounds were coming from upstairs. As she rose, she could hear Joy, the family dog, barking loudly. When the woman walked into the bathroom, she discovered Jonas lying still with his feet dangling over the edge of the bathtub. Joy tried to rescue him by pulling on his wrists or hair.

Jonas suffered a heart attack and collapsed in the tub. Joy was able to force the bathroom door open and hurried inside to try to take Jonas out of the bathtub after sensing something wasn’t right.

The mother was concerned when she first noticed Jonas gasping for air and Joy pulling on him. She soon realized, however, that the dog was merely trying to save his life by keeping him from drowning in the bathtub.

The ambulance arrived quickly after the woman immediately dialed 911. The doctors were able to save Jonas’ life by transporting him to the hospital.
Because of Joy, Jonas is still alive today.

“Without Joy, I wouldn’t want to think of Jonas’s potential fate. Joy saved my boy’s life, and we will be eternally grateful. He will surely receive many steaks as a prize, according to his mother.

This is another example of how great dogs are and how much they adore their humans.


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