Should I cheat on him? I’m sorry, but my life is perfect. I don’t want to change it even one night.

Why would I want to betray the person who loves me the most? Why would I want to hurt him, why would I want to betray all the trust he has placed in me? Why would I deny his love and lie to him? Why would I ruin all the plans we made together? Why would I change the people we have become by transforming each other? Why would I run away from happiness, from love? Because I don’t have a fire in my relationship, a new and exciting secret? I’m just not crazy …


Adventures don’t make sense. Why stay in a relationship if you can’t dedicate yourself to one person? Why would you deceive and fill a heart that loves you sincerely, with all your might, with bitterness? Why become half a huge thing if you can’t see a stone’s throw away, and there you want to be alone? Why change the goodness and peace of your life with something frivolous that has nothing to do with true feelings, but only with the sensations of the moment? Because that’s what he says, I don’t know which friend or star is keeping the adventure in his life?


We can fall into a stupid trap so easily. Even if there will always be men who will pay attention to you, who will observe you, let them be there, let them do their trick, but don’t answer them the same way if you are already dedicated to him! Don’t be fooled by the little attention others would pay to get in your favor because that’s how you think you won’t get bored! Don’t throw away the real feelings for a pleasure that lasts a few minutes, because that way you just send away the pieces of yourself away, to others, you just waste yourself, and with you and the one who would give anything to keep you whole! How can you even imagine that you can have more when you already have everything?


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