Rihanna suffering from mental disorder?

Rihanna, who has reportedly reached a “breaking point” after months of wild partying, has doctors fearing for her health.

Rihanna, who has reportedly reached a “breaking point” after months of wild partying, has doctors fearing for her health. The troubled star, 24, has told pals she is both physically and mentally exhausted and is “feeling lost.”

The 34-year-old crooner’s friends claimed that RiRi struggled to cope as her hectic, non-stop party lifestyle finally took its toll. But experts insist that a string of bizarre messages and pictures she has put on Twitter revealed that she could have a mental disorder.

They claimed that she showed signs of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). “She’s reached a breaking point. RiRi says she’s physically and mentally exhausted and feeling lost,” the Daily Star quoted a source.

“I think she desperately needs help and some time off, not just from work but from all the other stresses of her life, too,” the source added. The songstress has often been pictured jetting around the world, attending a string of showbiz parties.

She first sparked fears for her health after Tweeting pictures of herself hooked up to a drip in hospital. “Rihanna’s erratic behaviour could indicate that she suffers from NPD.

Symptoms are an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a need for constant admiration, which Rihanna shows by posting semi nude pics,” Relationship psychologist Jo Hemmings said. “If she does have NPD, with counseling she could recognize the damage she’s causing,” Hemmings added.


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