Randy Travis Mourns Loss of Stagehand Thom Roberts

Country music icon Randy Travis is deeply saddened by the tragic death of his beloved stagehand Thom Roberts. Police reports state that Roberts, 68, was fatally shot by his wife Christine, 72, in what appears to be a crime driven by jealousy.

The incident took place on July 10th at the couple’s home on Howard Avenue in Nashville. Emergency services arrived at the scene after receiving a distress call later in the evening. According to an arrest affidavit, Christine confessed to shooting her husband because she believed he had been unfaithful. A concerned neighbor, who heard the gunshot, quickly dialed 911 and rushed to investigate.

Upon discovering Roberts lying on the porch, the neighbor provided crucial information to detectives, revealing that Christine admitted to shooting her husband due to her discovery of his infidelity. Tragically, Roberts succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. The arrest affidavit confirmed that he died from a single gunshot wound to the chest. Christine, now charged with criminal homicide, had her bond set at $100,000.

In the wake of this heart-wrenching tragedy, Randy Travis took to Facebook to express his profound loss and pay tribute to his dear friend Thom Roberts. Travis described Roberts as an exceptional stage lighting technician—the best in the business. He highlighted Roberts’ magical ability to create captivating lighting experiences and praised his gentle and charismatic presence. The two shared countless memories on the road, and Travis emphasized Roberts’ constant smile and kind spirit.

Travis concluded his heartfelt tribute by expressing his belief that Roberts’ influence will continue to shine down from above, illuminating the night sky. He assured everyone that his dear friend Thom is now at home and at peace.

As Travis prepares to resume his ‘More Life’ tour next week, he does so with a bittersweet sense of loss, knowing that his trusted stagehand will not be by his side. During this incredibly challenging time, our thoughts and prayers go out to Thom Roberts’ family and friends as they navigate their way through this devastating loss.


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