Protecting Our Children: The Deadly Trend of Chroming

Esra Haynes, a vibrant 13-year-old with a love for racing BMX bikes and co-captaining her local netball club, had her life tragically cut short by a dangerous trend known as “chroming.” In a recent interview with A Current Affair, Esra’s parents, Andrea and Paul Haynes, shared their heartbreaking story to raise awareness about this deadly craze and protect other children from its devastating consequences.

Described as determined, fun, cheeky, and talented, Esra was a beloved member of her community. She even led her team to a national aerobics championship in Queensland. But on that fateful night, she attended a sleepover with friends and made the ill-fated decision to sniff an aerosol deodorant can in search of a lethal high. The result was immediate cardiac arrest and permanent brain damage. Esra’s parents received the dreaded phone call that no parent ever wants to hear – “Come and get your daughter.”

Despite frantic efforts to save her, Esra’s brain injury proved to be beyond repair. After eight agonizing days on life support, Andrea and Paul faced the unimaginable decision to let their beloved daughter go. They cuddled her until the end, cherishing every moment with their precious girl. The pain they endured, both physically and emotionally, is something no family should ever have to bear.

In their heartfelt interview, Esra’s parents spoke candidly about the difficulty of saying goodbye to their daughter and the crushing grief that enveloped their family and community. They had never even heard of chroming before Esra’s passing. Now, their mission is clear – to raise awareness and prevent other families from enduring the same tragedy.

Chroming is a dangerous trend that has gained popularity among teenagers. Everyday items such as deodorant, paint, hairspray, and markers can be easily accessed to achieve a dangerous “high.” But the consequences are dire, including organ failure, seizures, heart attacks, and suffocation. It is vital for parents to educate themselves about this trend and have open conversations with their children. By discussing the risks and dangers of chroming, parents can save lives and protect their kids.

Paul expresses regret for not knowing about chroming sooner and wishes he had the chance to sit down with Esra around their kitchen table to have that crucial conversation. It is this regret that fuels their determination to raise awareness and prevent other families from experiencing the same devastating loss.

As a community, let’s stand by the Haynes family, honor Esra’s memory, and share their story. By spreading awareness about chroming, we can empower parents and help them protect their children from this terrible trend. Together, we can make a difference and save lives.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Haynes family and all those who loved Esra. Let her tragic story serve as a reminder to us all to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our children. Watch the heartbreaking interview below:


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