Poor thing, she took it … ‘

There are enough women who cheat. Although in many cases the man next to her is the one who no longer pays attention to them, who sinks into affairs that do not involve her, who prefers to go out with his friends more often than with her, who slowly removes her, but of course, there are women who cheat … because it’s taking their toll …


This wave is dangerously bad, that’s right. He comes like this and takes you … He takes you from the street / from work / from anywhere and takes you fixedly to his bed … or, worse, to yours … yours. No matter how big and strong this wave is, there is no other culprit besides yourself for such an act. In vain try to blame alcohol (if it was consumed), the decor or who knows what other element.


Games in love are dangerous. Be very careful how you play with the feelings of the person next to you, because no matter how much he loves you, it is very likely that he will not accept you back in his life after you have committed such an act … and who would could he blame? Maybe he will forgive you, but he will prefer to be happy, he will prefer not to look every day at a woman in whom he will not see the future, at a woman in whom he will see only regrets …


If you are a follower of similar practices, please do one thing: think of yourself, think of the man next to you and think if you do not deserve more than games that do nothing but separate you, to soil you and hurt him … Appreciate what you have next to you, cherish his love! Cherish yourself, woman!


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