My Journey through Marriage and Challenges

Hi there! My name is Maria and I wanted to share my story with you. I am 53 years old and have been married to my husband for 32 years. It hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve faced our fair share of challenges together. Let me take you through my journey.

For the first 15 years, our relationship was beautiful, with some minor hiccups along the way. It’s normal for any family to have its ups and downs. However, in 1995, we faced a major setback. A bank loan led us to lose the apartment we were living in. With two young children to take care of, we had no choice but to move in with my parents.

As if that wasn’t enough, three years later, my husband had an opportunity to work in France. We both decided it was a good move for us, so he went ahead, leaving our daughters with my parents. Meanwhile, I stayed in Romania, waiting for the right time to join him. It wasn’t easy being apart, but we managed to make it work. We spoke on the phone regularly and visited each other whenever we could.

During this time, however, another woman entered my husband’s life. She changed him into someone unrecognizable. He became rude, even towards our daughters, and didn’t want us to visit him. It was devastating for me and especially for my youngest daughter who still loves her father dearly. I hit rock bottom – I stopped eating, couldn’t sleep, and my life felt like a never-ending nightmare.

But as time went on, I managed to pick up the pieces. I found a job and slowly started rebuilding my life. Then, one day, my husband lost his job and ran out of money. He reached out to our daughters, asking if he could come back home. We welcomed him with open arms and forgave him.

However, the trust was shattered. He continued to cheat on me, and every time I found out, it was like a knife to the heart. He wasn’t even good at hiding his extramarital affairs. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Years passed, and my husband went to Africa for work. And, of course, he found himself involved with another woman – this time, a 24-year-old who was younger than our own daughters. Currently, he works in France and comes home once a month, but he also has another mistress, who is 20 years younger than him. Although I found out about this relationship, he denies it.

Now, I’m left wondering what to do. It’s undoubtedly a difficult situation, and I know I’m not alone in facing these challenges. But sometimes, sharing our experiences with others can help us find clarity and support.

If you’ve been through something similar or have any advice for me, please, I would greatly appreciate your input. Let’s navigate this journey of life together.


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