Melanie Griffith Makes a Pleading to Fans After Revealing “Final Stage” Skin Cancer Removal

Melanie Griffith has always been open about her life, from her love life to her work to her connection with her children, and now the actress is giving a health caution to her fans.

The actress had surgery in 2009 to remove the early stages of skin cancer from her face. Melanie’s spokeswoman, Robin Baum, stated that while the treatment left her with a black eye, it was done early enough to prevent further issues. Unfortunately, Griffith had a skin cancer recurrence in 2017, and the subsequent treatment left her with bruising on her nose.

“It’s dangerous when you’re an actress, and you rely on your face for employment,” Melanie said earlier this month to InStyle. “But I know I need to put a Band-Aid on it, and everything is good. I just appear to be a jerk.”

Melanie gave an update on her now-removed skin cancer this week, as well as a call to supporters to take care of their skin.

“After dermabrasion, the final stage in repairing the now-removed [basal] cell skin cancer, the bandage was reapplied. Get it fixed if any of you have it. BE CAREFUL IF YOU LIE IN THE SUN OR ARE EXPOSED TO A LOT OF SUNS, “She posted a photo on Instagram. “Apply sunscreen. Consult with your dermatologist. If you don’t already have one, obtain one or go to your local clinic and ask to be tested for it. More details to follow!”

Basal cell carcinoma is a kind of skin cancer suspected to be caused by long-term exposure to UV radiation from sunshine, according to the Mayo Clinic. According to, basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, with an estimated 4.3 million cases reported each year in the United States.

As Melanie stated, having your dermatologist screen you at least once a year is critical!


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