One thing we can always be sure of is that things change over time. People change, technology changes, and situations change.
Change is inevitable! For example, look at your own life.

mysterious device
How much has it changed? This is especially true when it comes to technological advancements. It can be fascinating to look back and see how much progress has been made. But it can also be very refreshing!
Remember that “thing” from the 30’s? If you weren’t around back then, you probably wouldn’t recognize it. You’re not alone. It’s a vacuum cleaner from the 1930s, called a Hercules! It looks quite strange, doesn’t it? Can you guess how it worked?

retro vacuum cleaner
You’d be completely forgiven if you didn’t know what that was. But we think you might be curious! This quirky device that resembles a bottle or suitcase is actually a vacuum cleaner from the 1930s, known as the Hercules. This retro vacuum is a far cry from today’s models. In fact, as I write this, my Roomba® is busy cleaning the floor! Can you imagine what life was like back then? These machines were considered innovative for their time, but today, it’s easy to take our modern conveniences for granted.
The Hercules vacuum cleaner was quite advanced for its time. The model you see in the picture is covered in crocodile skin, making it an expensive item during the Great Depression, when most families couldn’t afford such luxuries. If you recognize this item, share it with your kids and see if they can guess what it is! They might be in for a surprise!

The Humble Beginnings
Did you know that the simple broom wasn’t perfected until 1797? A farmer from Massachusetts saw his wife struggling to sweep and decided to create a better design. His broom, made from broomcorn, quickly became a household staple. Of course, over time, people wanted easier cleaning solutions. In the 1860s, Daniel Hess developed the first real vacuum cleaner. According to his patent: “The nature of my invention consists in drawing fine dust and dirt through the machine by means of a draft of air.”
Later, in 1869, Ives McGaffey from Chicago took it a step further, although his design was actually harder to use than a regular broom. His patent mentioned: “The accumulation of dust and dirt in dwelling-houses is a source of great annoyance to all good housekeepers… to obviate these difficulties is the object of my invention.” Unfortunately, his invention didn’t gain popularity.

The Revolutionary Hoover
Many designs came and went, but it was James Murray Spangler who truly changed the game. A humble janitor from Canton, Ohio, Spangler was 60 years old when he set out to perfect his design. This task took a toll on his health, but his machine was a breakthrough. Not only was it upright, but it was also portable. The primitive vacuum worked well, sucking dirt and blowing it into an attached pillowcase. Spangler patented his invention in 1907 and started the Electric Suction Sweeper Company.
“It used a ceiling fan motor and paddle blades to create the airflow… he used a leather belt and journaled it to a rotating brush that he had gotten out of a carpet sweeper… No one was able to get the carpet that clean because they didn’t have a motor-driven brush.”
The vacuum cleaner we know as the Hoover was born when Spangler faced financial trouble and sold his company to his cousin, Susan Hoover!
As we reflect on the evolution of vacuum cleaners, we can’t help but marvel at how far we’ve come. Who would have thought that a contraption like the Hercules would eventually lead to the modern conveniences of today’s vacuum cleaners? It’s truly astounding to see how technology has transformed our lives and made our daily chores so much easier. So the next time you use your vacuum cleaner, take a moment to appreciate its history and be thankful for the innovations that have made our lives better.