I’m on the subway …

Hello! We return to the chapter “FROM YOU” with an article from Claudia. We really liked it!

I’m on the subway…

Here you wrote to me for the first time…. Here I wrote to you for the first time, trembling with happiness….
Here… I felt the first flock of butterflies. Here I felt my heart beating like crazy… coming out of my chest ..

Here I smiled at you for the first time… virtually… Here I really met you…

Here I felt like an innocent child… Ready to play…

Ready for any sentimental assault…


A child…

A soul always ready to love…


A child…
One of the thousands of faces…
A smile I learned to look for obsessively… like a drug…
Know? You have such a beautiful smile, so sweet… that I was looking at you secretly… just to catch your smile…
And those eyes of yours…

Do you know that your eyes shone with promise…?
But I didn’t care what they promised me… Because I trusted you…

For me, it was enough to look into my eyes

Did you know what power your eyes had on me…?!?
I don’t think you knew…
But I miss it so much…


I don’t think you understood what was in my soul…

What would it matter…
I do not know…
May be…
But… if you knew how many times I cursed my destiny…

If you knew how many times I was desperately wondering why in my life there was an “he”… when I wanted you so much?!?

I know you won’t believe me… but all I wanted was to take your hand and run… Anywhere… but be together…
You were so dear to me…

Too bad I didn’t have the courage… Or maybe you didn’t give me the courage… maybe you didn’t fight enough….

I wanted to be more than a “fall” story
And I felt that I was “more”… .or maybe I imagined… because I wanted with all my heart to be “more”…
But I wasn’t…
Because you gave up tot everything prea too quickly
What could we have been… to all dreams… hopes… illusions…
They went… they turned to ashes…

Where are the dreams with the two of us now?!?

I know… They were never just dreams… some discussions… dust in the wind!

But my fingers touched you… And, you were real!

And my lips searched for yours…

And you were right… It was warm in your soul…

And for a short time I was happy…

And I blinked… Then everything disappeared like a dream leaving behind only the thought that it could have been… And it wasn’t!

Maybe in another life…

… I know that from the beginning our relationship seemed impossible… I know… because in my life it was “him”…
And maybe if you had confidence and patience…

But you didn’t!

And… then… tell me, how could I give it up… for you… when at the first storm you looked for the “lifeboat”?

How could I fight for something I didn’t know existed?

Woe to you, you useless butterflies!

You threw me into the arms of an illusion…

Woe to you, mad heart… what was in your mind?

And now…

Butterflies died… and my heart is sad…

But I’m still here…


The subway

Where it all started and ended…


So much drama… Alas, alas… what trouble…

She loves him… he forgot her…

Blah, blah, blah! Typical male bullshit to hang the naive!

That… that’s what we women do, we fall in love with the first cute guy who compliments us and smiles sweetly at us and then raises him to the rank of demigod…

Well, boy, why did you cast a spell on the girl who “had an” he “?!?

Didn’t it cross your mind to look for one without attachments?

And after she’s a poor girl in love… with plans to leave “him”… Are you running away with another one?

Well, that’s how it falls, sir?!?



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