Her belly was getting bigger and bigger. It was like she had a huge beach ball and it was getting more and more inflated.

Chrissy and Larry Corbitt were going to become parents for the sixth time, and they were ecstatic to learn of the news. They were overjoyed at the prospect of a new family member and prepared everything for the big day.

However, they saw something odd about Chrissy’s tummy, which appeared to be rather large. In fact, it was far larger than her prior pregnancies.

The couple was initially anxious, fearing there was something wrong with the baby, but soon realized they were having twins. However, none of it proved out to be the cause after a doctor’s examination.

They were informed that there was only one kid and that it was absolutely healthy, but a little larger than they had anticipated.

When the time came for Chrissy to give birth, she chose a C-section because the baby, which was predicted to be big, turned out to be enormous.

The mother recalls her initial reaction to the kid being that it seemed more like a toddler than a newborn. She even made a joke about Inside Edition.

“I couldn’t believe how huge she was when they wrapped her over the curtain for me. I felt like I was staring at a kid, and I thought to myself, “Oh my God, she’s going to walk to the nursery.”

Carleigh was the name given to the lovely child, and she was a miracle baby. The hospital workers stated that they had never seen such a large infant in their careers or lives.

Doctors estimated it weighed roughly 10 pounds while it was still in her mother’s stomach, but they couldn’t have been more wrong. When the nurses weighed the infant, the scale displayed 13 pounds and 5 ounces.

Carleigh couldn’t wear the baby diapers or the outfits her parents had purchased for her. Instead, they went on another shopping spree, this time purchasing clothing for a nine-month-old baby.

We congratulate the Corbitts on the birth of their daughter and are delighted that she is a healthy baby with a bright future ahead of her.

In the video below, you can see the entire story.


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