Helena Bonham Carter Is Tired of Society’s Obsession with Aging: ‘There’s So Much Else We Should Be Concerned About’

Helena Bonham-Carter has had enough of people making a fuss about her age, shutting down those who believe that aging is a crime. There are more critical things to worry about, according to the award-winning actress, than one’s age.

Bonham Carter is best known for her role as Princess Margaret, which has received critical acclaim for being incredibly realistic and reminiscent of the princess.

However, Bonham Carter has previously stated that her connection to Princess Margaret stems from much more than a passing fascination with the historical figure. In previous interviews, she stated that she met Princess Margaret by communicating with her spirit through psychic mediums.

Though Bonham Carter has a history of using psychic mediums to contact Princess Margaret’s spirit, she has had contact with the princess. They only met twice, but they were never friends or even acquaintances.

According to Variety, Bonham Carter went to Windsor when she was 30 and met the princess, who later said that Bonham Carter should keep acting because she was rapidly improving.

This interaction had a big impact on Bonham Carter and convinced her that she could keep pursuing her dreams. Her acting career has flourished since that encounter, and she has evolved into a deeply wise celebrity who is not afraid to share her thoughts on life and the world.

No matter how the press interprets her personal life, Bonham Carter has learned never to give up fighting for what is right. She has become one of the most influential actresses in the entertainment industry since beginning her acting career.

In February 2023, Bonham Carter spoke on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour about her frustrations with how women are treated based on their age.

Given that her role in “The Crown” is only the most recent in a long line of critically acclaimed roles, it’s clear that Bonham Carter has a promising future.

During an appearance on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, Bonham Carter spoke candidly about society’s obsession with aging.

People seem to think it’s shameful for people to age, which isn’t the case, according to Bonham Carter.

“Every single magazine, Instagram, everything is about thou shalt, not age,” Bonham Carter explained. “Aging is a dirty word. We’re all obsessed with it to the point of pathology. The shame that comes with it is almost criminal.”

Even though Bonham Carter is approaching 60, she believes that aging should be associated with reaching one’s prime, not the other way around.

“It would be fantastic if we could change our societal rules and say, ‘Come on, we’re in our prime in our 60s: we’ve got everything, and we’re coming into our power,'” she says.

She went on to say that there are other things people should be concerned about, and aging is not one of them.

“At the end of the day, you can become completely obsessed. We can’t control how we look, but we think we can, and there’s so much else we should be concerned about,” she remarked.

While some people wish they could return and relive their youth, Bonham-Carter is the polar opposite.

“I’m the clichΓ© of saying I’m happier now than I was when I was younger,” she admitted.

“I never want to return there.”

While people may have noticed a change in her physical appearance, Bonham Carter stated that what matters is that she is still attractive on the inside, in addition to being an interesting and dynamic person.

“My envelope may be less aesthetically pleasing on the outside, but on the inside, I’m much more interesting, dynamic β€” and, I believe, attractive,” she continued.

Bonham Carter expressed gratitude for the opportunity to star in the ITV drama “Nolly,” saying she couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to play the titular role at her age.

“So far, so good,” Bonham Carter said.

“When I got Nolly, I thought to myself, ‘God, I’m so lucky at my age to get this part,’ which is honestly one of the best parts I’ve been offered at my age.”

While it saddens Bonham Carter that she still has to apologize for her age, she says the rise of streaming services makes her happy because it allows people her age to star in movies and TV shows.

“Then a part of me wondered how sad it was that I had to apologize for my age. It’s getting better, it is. For one thing, I believe the availability of streaming services is benefiting everyone β€” after all, this is the age of television. All of these things are being created, “She remarked.

If there’s one thing that Bonham Carter learned from her interview, it’s that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you as long as you’re happy and blessed in life.

What do you think of Helena Bonham Carter’s views on aging? Let us know what you think, and please forward this to any family or friends who might be interested in this story!


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