Health is not just about what you eat. It’s also about what you think and what you talk about!

We all want to be healthy. We all want to look good and feel good … and sometimes we focus on that. And we work to get it: we eliminate the nonsense from our diet, we do sports regularly, we take care to hydrate ourselves properly … and it’s really nice when we get the results we expected. And congratulations to us!


Health, however, means more than just taking care of what you eat. You are really healthy when you have a clear mind, when you sleep peacefully, when you are at peace that you are trying to be a good person. You are really healthy when you are not toxic to those around you, when you have something good to say to them, when you encourage them, when you can help them in one way or another and you even do it.


You are healthy not only because your exterior is flawless and because your body functions flawlessly, but when you come to combine the order of life with that of the soul.


You are healthy when you are well both physically and mentally. You are healthy when your thoughts do not go to the lives of others and I hope as much as you would like, you are healthy when you want to be yourself. You are healthy when your thoughts are emptied of venom from anything and everyone. You are healthy when you realize that life is not always rosy, but you take everything as a blessing, because you have realized that you really are. You are healthy when your words reflect what you have inside, that is, gentleness and understanding, both towards those around you and towards you … and you are healthy when you fight to be better.


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