Family Drama of Robert De Niro Revealed by Former Assistant

According to Robert De Niro’s former assistant, Tiffany Chen was treated poorly at work and was even rejected by the actor’s children, according to information obtained by Radar.

Robinson was a De Niro employee from 2008 to 2020. She began working for De Niro’s production firm, Canal Productions, as his personal assistant and eventually rose to the position of vice president of production and finance.

Robinson and De Niro are currently engaged in a legal battle over competing claims. He filed a $6 million lawsuit against his former employee, charging her of using the business credit card for personal expenses, binge-watching Netflix during work hours, and even utilizing his frequent flier points.

She countersued him and asked for $12 million, alleging gender discrimination.

Robinson stated in her deposition that she was “on call 24/7. numerous evenings or weekends She talked about him calling her as he went to the bathroom, asking her to stroke his back, and one instance where he made her clean his flat before Martin Scorsese showed up.

Robinson claimed that she never really took a vacation. “Bob and I agreed that I would continue to work while I was overseas. While I was employed at Canal, I hardly ever used my vacation days or days off. I have to be accessible round-the-clock.

So these were working vacations if you will? asked De Niro’s attorney.

“I would not even include the term vacation there. As Bob and I had agreed, they were working while we were away, Robinson remarked.

Robinson claimed that throughout the course of her job, she made several attempts to quit, but De Niro persuaded her to stay. She said that De Niro began to mistreat her after just one try.

She claimed that “he bullied me, was an a——- to me for a while, and was basically snapping at me about everything.”

In the end, they agreed that she could continue to work for them, but only on particular projects.

Robinson claimed that she stayed on in part out of sympathy for De Niro. She claimed that at the time, he was divorcing his ex-wife Grace Hightower.

After their breakup, De Niro began dating Tiffany Chen, a martial arts instructor. “One of the other things that was going on was that Bob’s kids didn’t like Tiffany, isn’t that true?” the actor’s attorney questioned Robinson during the deposition.

Finally responding, Robinson said, “I don’t know when I realized Bob’s kids didn’t like her.”

Later on in the meeting, Robinson’s audio recording of a meeting with Chen was played. She made it quite obvious in multiple statements that she did not want me present, according to Robinson, who was overheard saying. She gave me multiple glances that said, “Get the f—- out of my house,” among other things.

You are aware that I did. And, as you may have noticed, she does have her own home with Bob; it is, after all, their home.

I don’t want to be in the thick of it, she continued, but, you know, it is what it is. I try to stay out of it, but I keep getting drawn back in.

Robinson claimed that as Tiffany gave her work in addition to her Canal projects, her job become more and more challenging.

It was the two of them, she continued, “who were assigning me this extra job that Bob and I had not discussed.”

At the end of her job, Robinson remarked, “It was terrible with the constant pestering about the apartment difficulties and, oh, being constantly brought into their marital lives.”

“There were so many tasks, whether Tiffany was asking me to perform humiliating tasks or Bob was doing stereotypically female things Tiffany wanted done, it was very stressful and created a very difficult scenario, and I was being harassed by Bob and Tiffany about the things in the flat. My work became quite challenging,” she remarked.

Robinson responded, “At the tail end of my job I believed that she was,” when asked if she thought Chen was “out for her.”

Chen and De Niro have never made their connection known in the media. All accusations of impropriety in the lawsuit have been refuted by the actor. Later this year, the two will square off in court.


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