Dealing with a Difficult Mother-in-law: When Revenge Goes Wrong

Finding your place in a new family can be challenging, especially when you have to deal with a difficult mother-in-law. But what happens when your attempt at revenge ends up affecting your husband? One woman found herself in this predicament and wondered if she had gone too far.

Meeting the Mother-in-law

The story begins with a woman, who we’ll call the Original Poster (OP), sharing her experience on Reddit. She is a 30-year-old woman married to her 32-year-old husband for five years. They met at a party and got married shortly after. However, it was at her husband’s uncle’s funeral where she first encountered her mother-in-law.

Before the funeral, her husband’s cousin warned her about his mother, saying that she had high standards and tended to be judgemental. He advised her not to take any negative remarks personally. Although her husband confirmed his cousin’s assessment, the OP couldn’t fully comprehend the extent of her mother-in-law’s behavior until she started causing a scene at the funeral, questioning the presence of a stranger.

A Rocky Relationship

Despite her husband’s attempts to handle the situation, his mother continued with passive-aggressive comments and ugly stares towards the OP. The wife also mentioned that her mother-in-law caused a scene at their wedding, but did not provide further details.

When the OP discovered she was pregnant, her husband finally gathered the courage to inform his mother. Surprisingly, the mother-in-law reacted positively, expressing her excitement about becoming a grandmother. Although the OP had reservations, she allowed her mother-in-law to visit during her pregnancy.

Escalating Tensions

However, things took a turn for the worse when the husband’s mother demanded to be in the delivery room. The wife refused, and her mother-in-law caused another scene. Eventually, the OP agreed to let her visit the newborn baby, but tensions remained.

One day, while the OP was away getting drinks for everyone, she returned to find her husband and mother-in-law arguing. Her mother-in-law accused the baby of not looking like anyone in their family and demanded a DNA test. This accusation deeply upset the husband, and the situation worsened when the mother-in-law took to social media, claiming that the OP had cheated on her son.

Revenge Gone Wrong

In a fit of anger, the wife decided to seek revenge by making her own social media post, taunting her mother-in-law to get a DNA test for


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