Patrick Duffy, Opens Up About Family Tragedy

A tragic death of a loved one is something that nobody would be able to move on from. That is what Dallas star Patrick Duffy feels up to this day. Even though it has been decades after his parents were murdered, the gruesome details of the incident are still in his head.

Back in 1986, Patrick Duffy’s parents were shot to death in a night of violence. And thirty years later, this violence ruined his life. And now, he is coming forward to speak about his trauma.

The actors’ parents, Terence and Marie Duffy were shot to death in the tavern they owned in Boulder, Montana in November 1986. In a recent interview, Duffy shared, “My father kicked these two young men out of the bar at some point in the evening. So they went and drank elsewhere… and came back to the bar to kick his a**.

When they stepped in the bar with their guns, they shot him. There was nobody else in the bar, so they shot both my mother and my father. ”

The killers were drunk and wanted to get revenge. They were bent on killing both of his parents. They brutally took their life and this ruined Duffy. According to him, the last thirty years has been a rollercoaster ride of “all the emotions of the horrific event.” All the shock and anger about the incident are still very fresh in his mind.

The murderers, Sean A. Wentz and Kenneth A. Miller were both 19-years-old at the time that they brutally killed the couple. They were charged with deliberate homicide and were convicted. Wentz was the one who fired the gun so he was sentenced to 180 years behind bars.

Miller on the other hand, was an accomplice and was later on released from prison in 2007. With regards to Miller’s release, Duffy said, “I’m okay with that. My point of view is he’s already been punished. You know, whether he’s in prison or out of prison.”

His parents were taken away from him too soon, but he said that he never felt disconnected from them spiritually. He said, “I never felt that immediate loss. I did not know why then, but in retrospect, it was a result of being Buddhist.

” He says that he is taking a spiritual view of the incident. But that was not enough to make him forget that his parents were killed by teenagers when they did nothing wrong in the first place.

Losing his parents who according to him were very social and good people, was not easy. His parents were pretty ordinary and pleasant. And surely, they will be missed by those who knew them. And throughout these years, Duffy found support from his wife, Carlyn Rosser.

In 2017, his wife died at 77 and this was another heartbreaking loss for Duffy. He said, “It was a surprise when she passed. There was no indication. So that was the big adjustment. ” But to help him cope with his wife’s passing, his sons, 45-year-old Padriac and 39-year-old Connor, help him along the way.

He shared, “My boys were there as stalwarts. But I also realized that, as much as they were trying to buttress old dad up, I’m probably more adjusted to this set of circumstances than they are. You reach a certain age, and you realize the road ahead is much shorter than the road behind.”

Good thing Patrick Duffy’s sons were very hands-on in helping their dad cope with such loss, of first his parents, then his wife.


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