Dad Speaks Out After Losing Baby With Crucial Warning For Any Parent

When parents are expecting a baby, nothing can measure up the excitement that they feel. This is exactly what Jeff and Natasha felt when they found out that they are expecting a baby girl. The soon-to-be-parents were beyond thrilled!

Just the thought that finally, they will be starting their own family and begin to make beautiful memories together was the more than what they can handle.

However, when their daughter passed away unexpectedly three weeks after her birth, their lives and dreams crashed. All of those hopes of having a happy family full of love and laughter were gone.

When the doctors revealed why their daughter passed away, their tears became anger because this was something that they could have possibly prevented.

After he had some time to cope with the grief that their family is experiencing, Jeff is ready to voice out his thoughts. This is why he took to Facebook and share what happened to their little princess and why every parent should be aware of this. Jeff shared on his post that he has been silent all this time about Mallory’s death.

He said that it has taken a month for him to write the post but he would feel bad if her daughters’ passing could prevent other people from experiencing the heartache that they feel.

“If you have a new baby, or will be around a new baby, wash your hands. A lot.”

He warns parents that if other people want to hold your baby, always make sure that they washed their hands first, or better yet, make them do it again. This is because according to Mallory’s doctor, HSV-1 is the cause of her death.

HSV-1 is the virus behind cold sores which is a form of herpes or Herpes Simplex Virus-1. According to Jeff, this virus is EXTREMELY common and the World Health Organization estimates that 67% of the human population all over the world are infected.

And to make things worse, many people who are infected by this virus will never show any symptoms all throughout their lives and will probably not even know that they have it.

Newborns are the most susceptible to this virus. It is most likely that it will be fatal, similar to Mallory’s case.

Some people think that it is easy to diagnose HSV-1, but in reality, this is not the case. For Mallory, we might think that someone who has a cold sore kissed her on the mouth. But this is not what happened. Mallory was never in contact with other people with an active cold sore. Jeff swears by it.

In fact, she caught the HSV-1 within the first week of her life and nobody ever kissed her in the mouth. Still, this did not stop the HSV-1 virus from slowly killing her tiny body where she had to suffer for nearly two weeks. Jeff recalled that Mallory could not keep her hands out of her mouth and eyes and she would continuously suck on her pictures so it is sure that at some point, she got the virus onto her hands.

Jeff shared that Mallory did not have any other symptom beyond a high fever on the first week. By the time that blisters showed up, it was too late. Jeff is pleading to everyone who is able to read his post about the importance of washing your hands, especially when you are around newborns.


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