Dad Shaves 16-Year-Old Daughter’s Head As Punishment For ‘Bullying’ A Student With Cancer

Bullying is never OK. Unfortunately, it’s something that many people encounter at some point in their lives, typically sometime during their school years. High school can be challenging enough, and having to deal with issues with other classmates can make the entire experience even more stressful.

One father decided that he wanted to teach his daughter a lesson when he found out that she was bullying another student. Not only that, but it was a student who has cancer. The dad explained how his 16-year-old daughter had gotten into an altercation with the other student regarding a boy. The situation quickly escalated, and the 16-year-old daughter went to extreme measures to get her point across. She bullied the other student, who had lost her hair due to cancer treatment, and went so far as to pull off her wig.

Wanting to show his daughter right from wrong, the dad decided that her punishment was shaving her head. He explained how he did this without telling his ex-wife first, even though he has guardianship over the teenager.

More details about the situation unfolded as the father shared more of his story. It seemed like there was more behind the recent altercation regarding his child and another student at the school.

Because of all the other circumstances, the father began to question if he had made the right decision, so he went to Reddit in December 2019 to ask users for their take on the matter. The community was not shy when giving their opinion on who they deemed right and wrong.

Starting off his Reddit post, the original poster (OP) asked, “AITA for shaving my daughter’s hair for bullying a girl with cancer?” OP explained that he and his ex-wife have a 16-year-old daughter together and that he has guardianship over the teenager. “I mention this because what I did and what I will report here, I did without consulting my ex,” he explained.

OP found out that his daughter had been having some problems at school regarding another classmate. “She bullied a student who had lost her hair because of cancer treatment,” he said. “My daughter even removed the wig from another girl.”

However, there was more to the situation than meets the eye. “Apparently there is a feud between the two for a while because my daughter is dating the boy the other girl was dating,” OP explained. “And my daughter told me that the girl told her that the boy was only with her for sex which was a big shock to me because I didn’t even know my daughter already had an active sex life.”

Even though it seemed like multiple people could have been at fault for this ongoing feud, OP said it was “far from a justification” for how his child behaved. “I didn’t raise my daughter to treat people the way she did and I was disgusted by her attitude,” he said. “To make matters worse, my daughter showed no remorse about what she did and stated that the girl in question deserved it.”

He continued, “Again, I don’t care what the other girl said, my daughter’s behavior is unacceptable.”

OP said that he gave his daughter two options: he would take away all her electronics or send her to a hair salon to have her head shaved.

Reddit users quickly flooded the comment section to let the father know that he was completely wrong for threatening to shave his daughter’s head. However, many disagreed on other aspects of the delicate situation.

One user commented: “You don’t even care about what the other girl did to your daughter? You just say there was an ongoing feud but did it ever occur to you that maybe your daughter was just standing up for herself? Just because someone has cancer doesn’t mean they can’t be a bully too.” Another user replied, “High school beef or not… I’m having a hard time justifying taking off a cancer patient’s wig…”

A third user explained that OP’s daughter was in the wrong, but he was worse “for not consulting her mom about this” and “for punishing her so extremely.” The user added: “Terrible parenting on your part. Your daughter wasn’t bullying a girl with cancer, she had an altercation with a girl she had been feuding with for awhile who HAPPENS to have cancer.”

More users shared how disappointed they were in the dad for the type of punishment he wanted to enlist. One person commented, “Not GOOD parenting and that’s for sure.” Another said: “She screwed up, and you can’t think of any other way to parent than to physically humiliate her? YTA, and you’re a terrible parent if this is any indication.”

What is your take on this matter? What would you do if you were the parent in this situation? Let us know, and feel free to pass this along to your loved ones.


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