Christie Brinkley responds to “the wrinkle brigade,” who harass celebrities on social media.

Everyone will eventually age, but many people find it difficult to accept that cellulite and wrinkles are a normal part of life. Aging is one aspect of life that is unavoidable for everyone. These people occasionally raise their voices, too.

Christie Brinkley is the most recent famous person to draw flak for displaying her natural appearance. The model and actress, however, isn’t letting them depress her; instead, she has a message for the group she refers to as “the wrinkle brigade.”

Wow, Nelly! The Wrinkle Brigade fully occupies the comment thread.

Brinkley, 69, posted a self-portrait on Instagram that garnered much attention. No, the wrinkles on her breast and face—rather than her pout or smoky eye—sparked the most responses.

It got so bad that the model had to alter her post and respond to the critics.

The Wrinkle Brigade has taken over the comment thread in full force! They are the ones who look through celebrity sites in search of cellulite, wrinkles, or anything else they may criticize. It must be some make-up for something they’re missing.

“However, when such individuals show up, others often emerge with thoughtful and priceless messages. Those are the remarks that renew my faith and lift my spirits. I appreciate you, dear people,” she added.

Brinkley posted a throwback image of the swimsuit that “caused a stir” on Instagram in 2020, along with a body-positive message.

She recalled her concern that she appeared overweight in the bathing suit.

“I’m thrilled that our industry now accepts people of all sizes and shapes so that we can concentrate on being healthy. Not prefabricated,” she wrote. “However, some young girls have a quality that frequently makes them feel like they don’t measure up. One of them, I was. Looking back on these, I see how pointless worrying was. If only the younger generation could learn from and absorb the perspective that comes with age and reduces worry. However, I believe focusing on feeling fantastic is a huge step toward the right path.

I wish trolls stop bothering people about their choice of aging one day. Aging is a natural process that will eventually affect each of us.


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